Join in: What’s the #EducationWeWant?

blog_gem_logoIt’s a new year, and we have a new name – The Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report). To celebrate the change, we’re launching a new campaign using our logo as an interactive visual. We want to know which of the new education targets supporting the global education goal are most important to you. Join in online, and via twitter using #EducationWeWant and @GEMReport.

Countries grappling with the new 17 goals and their accompanying 169 targets in the Sustainable Development Agenda will need to decide which they’re going to prioritise in their national plans. We thought we’d ask you your thoughts as to which of the new education targets are most important.

To take part, please select which three of the seven targets noted below you think are most crucial in your country in order of priority, and which of the three means of implementation you put first. The length of the seven bars in our logo will change to reflect the popularity of the votes around the world. Let us know which one you put first by joining the conversation on twitter with #EducationWeWant and @GEMReport.


Education target 4.1 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes
Education target 4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education
Education target 4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
Education target 4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Education target 4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
Education target 4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
Education target 4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development

 Means of Implementation:

  • 4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
  • 4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
  • 4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
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5 Responses to Join in: What’s the #EducationWeWant?

  1. equinoxio21 says:

    4.3, 4.1 and 4.4. Tertiary education is highly correlated to gdp per capita. And low in mexico and latin america. Focusing only on primary and secondary is too short sighted. 🙂


  2. jraymond2015 says:

    Reblogged this on COMOSA Connect and commented:
    The aim is to try and achieve all seven targets and to do this we still need to start with one…


  3. Helen Abadzi says:

    None of this is doable without using the science of how people learn, particularly at the low end. Unfortunately thousands of generalists and “eminent persons” were asked about goals, but no cognitive neuroscientists were included. So the targets are fuzzy and doable only from a middle-class perspective.
    Anyway, the UN has until 2030 to figure this out. By then someone may think of asking scientists.


  4. Annamaria says:

    4,5 4.6 and 4.7
    through 4.3


    • Helen Abadzi says:

      The targets are nice, but they are also vague. And no one has any idea how to achieve them. Which specific curricular and instructional activities should the various countries undertake? There is science of how people learn, and it can point the way. This is where the leadership of GEM can be a gem!


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