Tag Archives: female education

Fighting female genital mutilation: Education matters

There are approximately 45 million girls of primary and secondary school age not going to school in sub-Saharan Africa according to the UIS – more than in any other region. Our 2017/8 report showed that across 18 countries in the … Continue reading

Posted in Gender, SRGBV, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

The poorest young women have spent less than a year in school in the bottom ten countries

It’s International Women’s Day this week. As people in different cities rally for gender equality, not enough changes are being made to help the poorest girls pick themselves up from the bottom of the education ladder in many parts of the … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Equality, Equity, Gender, Out-of-school children, parity, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Education – know your rights

Today is the international day of zero tolerance to female genital mutilation (FGM). Globally, it is estimated that at least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone some form of FGM. If current trends continue, 15 million additional … Continue reading

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The bottom ten countries for female education

As we approach ‘Malala Day’ on 10 November, the EFA Global Monitoring Report reveals that Pakistan scores in the bottom ten of new country rankings for education of poor females. As we stand together on ‘Malala Day’, it is vital … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Gender, Out-of-school children | Tagged , , , | 43 Comments