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La Estrategia busca eliminar el embarazo en niñas y en adolescentes con intervenciones sectoriales articuladas, que incorporan el enfoque de derechos humanos, género e inclusión, facilitando el empoderamiento de niñas y adolescentes para su pleno desarrollo.
The report demonstrates progress made on adolescent HIV programming in the Eastern and Southern African Region (ESAR) in a few short years. Qualitative in approach, the report explores how the impact of HIV on adolescents and young people was given visibility and focus as a result of the All In to end adolescent AIDS (All In) country assessments, which systematically reviewed and analyzed data, programmes and strategies currently responding to adolescent HIV.
Adolescence and puberty is a time of intense physical and emotional change for young people between the ages of 10 and 17. Puberty marks a transition between childhood and adulthood that impacts adolescents’ physical, emotional, and social well-being. Evidence shows that during puberty, adolescents embrace and solidify the gender norms of their society. So the way girls and boys see themselves within their family, community and society can be drastically altered for the rest of their lives. …
Selon les principes énoncés dans le programme national sur la santé sexuelle, le Plan d’action « Santé affective et sexuelle » élaboré par les Ministères de la Santé, de la Famille et de l’Intégration, de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle et de l’Egalité des chances, en collaboration avec les majeurs partenaires du terrain, entre autres le Planning familial, l’Aidsberodung et le CPOS, s’agence selon 5 axes qui représentent les différents champs d’action pour lesquels des initiatives sont prévues. …
This book is a study material for lecturers in the tourist sector. It provides core information regarding physical, mental and social changes of adolescents, prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, vulnerable factors for tourist sector and key population groups and vulnerable groups that should be clearly understood by them to keep in line with the prevention strategies used.
School-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) can help adolescents achieve their full potential and realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is particularly pressing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where high rates of unintended pregnancy and STIs among adolescents can limit countries’ ability to capitalize on the demographic dividend. While many LMICs have developed CSE curricula, their full implementation is often hindered by challenges around program planning and roll-out at the national and local level. …
La ministre en charge de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche et la ministre en charge des Affaires sociales et de la Santé ont saisi le Conseil National du Sida et des hépatites virales le 2 mai 2016, sur la définition de nouvelles orientations dans le cadre de la prévention et de la lutte contre les infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes. …
The report sets out the status of women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, and on health systems and social and environmental determinants. Regional dashboards on 16 key indicators highlight where progress is being made or lagging. There is progress overall, but not at the level required to achieve the 2030 goals. There are some areas where progress has stalled or is reversing, namely neonatal mortality, gender inequalities and health in humanitarian settings. …
This paper examines the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Jamaica, the girls most affected, and where and when they are most vulnerable. The paper also discusses the provisions for continuing education under the National Policy for the Reintegration of School-Age Mothers into the Formal School System. It assesses whether the policy is reaching the target group and its effectiveness in addressing access to secondary education for teen mothers.
Le 20 mars 2015, le Parlement a transmis le postulat 14.4115 Regazzi « Faire vérifier par une commission indépendante les thèses défendues par la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse quant au développement sexuel de l'enfant et de l'adolescent ». Ce postulat demande au Conseil fédéral de faire vérifier les théories sur lesquelles se base la fondation SANTÉ SEXUELLE Suisse (SSS) par une commission d'experts indépendante, composée de médecins, de psychologues du développement et de spécialistes en pédagogie générale, et de présenter les conclusions de cette commission sous la forme d'un rapport . …
Choose a Future! brings together ideas and activities to help adolescent girls and boys shape their own lives and create their own options. This manual is for facilitators working with girls and boys ages 10-19. Girls and boys are actively involved in creating their own solutions to situations they encounter at home, in school and at work with male and female peers.
Ce guide pédagogique est prévu pour accompagner l’exposition « Sida, cartes sur table », qui vise à améliorer le niveau de connaissance et les compétences des jeunes sur le VIH, ses modes de transmission, de protection afin de réduire le nombre de nouvelles infections au VIH et aux autres IST. L’exposition a également pour objectif de diminuer les comportements discriminants à l’égard des personnes séropositives.
La brochure « VIVRE AVEC » a été réalisée par la Plate-Forme Prévention Sida et ses partenaires à l'attention des adolescents. Son but est de les sensibiliser aux attitudes de rejet qui peuvent toucher les personnes séropositives et de les mener à développer un comportement solidaire envers celles-ci. La brochure rappelle également les informations de base, à propos du VIH et du sida.
This fact sheet is designed for educators, concerned community and parent organisations, as well as education officials. It provides facts and figures on teenage pregnancy in South Africa, and offers suggestions for reducing the number of girl learners who fall pregnant, and as well as suggestions for getting young mothers back into school. This fact sheet, the third in a series of five, is based on the HSRC’s 2009 Teenage Pregnancy Report and the Access to Education study, which was undertaken by Social Surveys and the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS). …
The Disease Control Priorities (DCP) series established in 1993 shares this philosophy and acts as a key resource for Ministers of Health and Finance, guiding them toward informed decisions about investing in health. The third edition of DCP rightly recognizes that good health is but one facet of human development and that health and education outcomes are forever intertwined. The Commission report makes clear that more education equates with better health outcomes. …