Multimedia in Education. Specialized Trainig Course elaborated by the international working group headed by Prof. Andresen (Denmark) within the framework of the IITE Training Programme.
According to the classification of IITE UNESCO Educational Programme the target audience includes: heads of pre- and in-service teacher training and vocational development institutions; trainers of trainers for ICTs in… Read more Multimedia in Education. Specialized Trainig Course elaborated by the international working group headed by Prof. Andresen (Denmark) within the framework of the IITE Training Programme.
Basic ICT Usage Indicators in Secondary Education in the Baltic and CIS States. Statistical report (English and Russian version). This work is the next in the series of IITE programme activities on ICTs in Education: State-of-the-Art, Needs and Perspectives and presents the intermediate results of the Institute's efforts in this field.
This report presents results of a study carried out under the Indicators of ICT Usage in Education project. Read more Basic ICT Usage Indicators in Secondary Education in the Baltic and CIS States. Statistical report (English and Russian version). This work is the next in the series of IITE programme activities on ICTs in Education: State-of-the-Art, Needs and Perspectives and presents the intermediate results of the Institute's efforts in this field.
Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Training produced by a working party of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). This book provides you with some very important guidelines on what is necessary for successful travelling across the immense variety of options brought forth with an advent of ICTs.
The book provides with very important guidelines on what is necessary for successful travelling across the immense variety of options brought forth with an advent of ICTs. The main point… Read more Elementary ICT Curriculum for Teacher Training produced by a working party of the
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). This book provides you with some very
important guidelines on what is necessary for successful travelling across the immense variety of
options brought forth with an advent of ICTs.
Current WWW Information Systems on Information Technologies in Education. Analytical Survey presenting the results of research into Information Technologies in Education conducted during the year 2000 at the request of UNESCO IITE in the Framework of Information Technologies in Education: State-of-the-Art, Needs and Perspectives project.
This survey presents the results of research into information technologies in education conducted in 2000 by request of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE UNESCO) in the framework… Read more Current WWW Information Systems on Information Technologies in Education. Analytical Survey presenting the results of research into Information Technologies in Education conducted during the year 2000 at the request of UNESCO IITE in the Framework of Information Technologies in Education: State-of-the-Art, Needs and Perspectives project.
Information materials prepared for the Digital Libraries in Education international expert meeting and workshop.
Purposeful and intensive research and development programme on Digital Libraries for education are undertaken around the world aiming at the far reaching goal: «Any individual can participate in on- line… Read more Information materials prepared for the Digital Libraries in Education international
expert meeting and workshop.
Презентация Power Point по сквозному проекту ЮНЕСКО "База знаний для лиц, принимающих решения, в области высшего открытого и дистанционного образования". Киев, 10-12 октября 2002.
Презентация, представленная Национальным программным специалистом ИИТО В.С. Меськовым. Read more Презентация Power Point по сквозному проекту ЮНЕСКО "База знаний для лиц, принимающих решения, в области высшего открытого и дистанционного образования". Киев, 10-12 октября 2002.