UNESCO IITE at LangOER Conference

From 26 to 27 September 2016, the LangOER (Enhance Teaching and Learning of Less Used Languages through OER/OEP) project, in cooperation with the Educational Repositories Network (EdReNe), held its conference titled ‘Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages’ in Brussels, Belgium.

The conference kicked off in the European Day of Languages aiming to bring together policy makers concerned with language learning and teaching, pedagogical use of ICT, and social integration and inclusion, experts in open education and digital content repositories, educational researchers and teachers. Participants got a chance to discuss the importance of linguistic diversity in Europe and the support of OER in fostering minority languages.

During the first day, workshops and roundtables addressed strategies on how OER and OER for Less Used Languages could be integrated in policy agendas, how funding can be identified and what activities can be developed at Pan-European level. In addition, tailored workshops were organized on the role of teachers and the importance of bottom-up and community building strategies for the OER uptake.

On the second day, sessions were focused on good practices like MOOCs for language learning and future actions for the enhancement of OER and OEP at European and global level. At the finale of the conference, the LangOER prizes were announced and the role and involvement of teachers in the project will be presented with some experiences and practices.

The conference ‘Open Education: Promoting Diversity for European Languages’ was the closing event of LangOER project that aims at contributing to the promotion of learning and teaching of less used European languages by linking them to the global challenges of Open Education. The participants of the Conference will use the online consultation tools for the policy recommendations – their contributions are expected until 15 October 2016.

Videos of the conference are available at Good practices for OER uptake