Information and advice for students, whānau, and the education sector.

Current Alert Level

Your Alert Level will depend on where you are in New Zealand. link)

He Pānui | Bulletins

Ministry of Education COVID-19 information

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Guidance – all in one place

We have summarised the existing health and safety requirements for each Alert Level into the relevant documents below:

Health and safety guidance for early learning services – Alert Levels 1 - 4 [PDF, 792 KB]

Health and safety guidance for playgroups – Alert Levels 1 - 4 [PDF, 766 KB]

Health and Safety guidance for schools – Alert Levels 1–4

As new information comes to hand, the information in this summary guidance might change. If this occurs, we will quickly advise you, update the summary guide for levels 1 – 4 and disseminate.

Our regional teams continue to be available to support you if you have any questions or concerns.

Contact our regional teams

Confirmed, probable or possible cases linked to your school

As anticipated, new cases of COVID-19 have been identified.

If there is a confirmed case in your school

If there is confirmed or probable case linked with your school or early learning service, you will be advised of that by the Medical Officer of Health or your local public health authority (or local Ministry of Education staff working in conjunction with local health authorities).
Our regional staff will work with you and local health authorities to agree a plan. That will happen quickly and support will be provided to assist you to communicate with and support your community and staff.
If you become aware of a case associated with your school or early learning service and haven’t received notification from health authorities, please contact your local public health unit or your local Ministry of Education contact for information and support:

Local health authorities through the Medical Officer of Health will make the decision about whether a school or service needs to close for a period of time, and will determine who is required to undertake self-isolation.

Who needs to stay away?

At level 1 and 2, unless directed by the Medical Officer of Health, the only people who need to stay away are those who are:

  • Unwell.
  • Self-isolating (at the request of health authorities).
  • Waiting for COVID test results.

Everyone else should be at school.
Anyone who is a contact of a ‘close contact’ is not required to self-isolate. Close contacts are self-isolating as a precaution only, and will monitor for symptoms.
For example - a staff member who had close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19 will be asked by health authorities to self-isolate for 14 days from when they last had contact with the confirmed case. Their family members and other close contacts of the staff member are not required to self-isolate unless they have also had close contact with a confirmed case. 


Flutracking is an online survey which asks if you have had a fever or cough in the last week and which can help us track COVID-19.

Registering online will help our surveillance efforts by providing early detection of community spread of the flu and also of COVID-19 symptoms. 

This is a practical thing everyone can do to help us monitor flu and COVID-19 symptoms throughout NZ.

Register for Flutracking online(external link)

More information

COVID-19 – Ministry of Health(external link)

COVID-19 - Information in other languages - Ministry of Health(external link)

COVID-19 - Easy Read information - Ministry of Health(external link)

Unite against COVID-19 – NZ Government website(external link)

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