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Una nueva propuesta para docentes de la modalidad de Educación de jóvenes y adultos. Este nuevo material incluye propuestas de enseñanza basadas en la revista "Educación Sexual Integral para charlar en familia" como bibliografía de trabajo y de apoyo para trabajar con las y los estudiantes de la modalidad.
This set of 14 individual scripted lesson plans was developed to support school-based delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in East and Southern Africa. The scripted lesson plans are intended to provide teachers with material often lacking in existing life skills and CSE curricula, which can be used to supplement existing resources and support the delivery of CSE. …
Los materiales educativos consituyen un recurso pedagógico altamente valorado por las y los docentes, más aún si se aborda una temática central en la vida de cada persona como es la sexualidad. Es por esta razón que la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa (DITOE) ha considerado, dentro de sus objetivos estratégicos, dotar de material educativo a las y los docentes para la Educación Sexual Integral de adolescentes. …
'Guidelines for Using Living: Skills for Life, Botswana’s Window of Hope', has been designed to help teachers use the Living materials in the classroom. They are in response to comments from teachers regarding the lack of clarity on (1) how to use the materials ‘as is’ and (2) how to use them to infuse life skills and HIV and AIDS topics in different subjects. Specifically, these guidelines seek to address two objectives. To help teachers to: 1. Use materials ‘as is’ and through infusion to build life skills; 2. …
'Guidelines for using Living: Skills for Life, Botswana’s Window of Hope', has been designed to help teachers use the Living materials in the classroom. They are in response to comments from teachers regarding the lack of clarity on (1) how to use the materials ‘as is’ and (2) how to use them to infuse life skills and HIV and AIDS topics in different subjects. Specifically, these guidelines seek to address two objectives. To help teachers to: 1. Use materials ‘as is’ and through infusion to build life skills; 2. …
El Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) entrega a ustedes estudiantes de 1ero y 2do de bachillerato este material, el cual tiene como objetivo invitarles a conocer, analizar y reflexionar sobre el el fenómeno social de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. Con este material se propende llegar al desarrollo de sus habilidades sociales y capacidades para llegar a la toma de decisiones conscientes e informadas. En el mundo se analizan nuevas formas de enfrentar fenómenos sociales como el de los usos y consumos problemáticos de drogas. …
El Acuerdo Ministerial N° 0444-12 describe los lineamientos y pautas para la implementación del Programa de Participación Estudiantil en las instituciones educativas del país. En el artículo 3, se plantean las opciones del programa y una de estas es Prevención Integral de los Usos y Consumos Problemáticos de Drogas. Esta opción considera la prevención como un proceso integral que se centra en el ser humano. …
The IGLYO Teacher’s Guide to Inclusive Education is a resource specifically aimed at teachers in primary and secondary schools across Europe. The Guide provides practical advice for teachers so that they can be more inclusive of all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression through a human rights-based approach.
The goal of this toolkit is to enable staff of mainstream youth-serving organizations to create a safe and welcoming environment for GLBTQ youth by directly addressing homophobia and transphobia among staff and youth. …
This comprehensive training manual is suitable for teachers and trainers to support the implementation of a skills-based drug education programme in schools. It is based on evidence-based principles of drug education in schools. It was developed through a consultation process involving school education authorities and drug implementation agencies of participating countries to ensure its relevance to the target group. The focus of the manual is on the training of teachers and trainers on the skills for drug education, utilizing experimental learning approaches. …
This Report sets out the current context for Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) in Chapter Two. It notes the approval of an integrated SPHE curriculum for Junior Cycle in 2000 along with the establishment of the SPHE Post-Primary Support Service which was a collaborative initiative with the Department of Health. The SPHE Curriculum was introduced to primary schools from 1999 and the SPHE curriculum for post-primary schools was introduced in 2003. …
This report is a consolidated summary and analysis of the status of comprehensive sexuality education for teacher training in 21 countries in the East and Southern Africa region.
Secondary School Action for Better Health (SSABH) is an HIV/AIDS prevention programme for secondary schools developed by CfBT, Kenya and funded by USAID. The programme is being delivered in Kenya by CfBT with Ministry of Education, Science and Technology staff. The goal of SSABH is to motivate students in secondary school towards positive behaviour changes that will improve the management of their sexual lives to avoid HIV risk.
This document includes an overview providing general information about HIV/AIDS. It is designed to be a quick reference resource for educators finding it difficult to locate accessible and informative materials. It is focused on the medical and scientific facts and gives short descriptions of transmission, prevention, treatment and testing. The overview is followed by longer modules with more detailed information on HIV and the immune system, HIV transmission, prevention, testing and treatment will follow. …
This Kindergarten to Grade 12 HIV/AIDS curriculum resource manual will be of use to educators and parents, as well as students. It will give educators access to resources to aid them in the development of HIV/AIDS curriculum for use in their classrooms, or more broadly, in their educational jurisdiction. For parents, it will serve as a resource manual that may be used to lobby their school boards to get them to implement an HIV/AIDS curriculum in their child’s school. …