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The purpose of this Teachers’ Handbook is to enable teachers to internalize the content of the Curriculum. The handbook also provides a variety of suggested activities teachers can benefit from to facilitate reflection, and to develop life skills within themselves and among learners.
Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school administration must ensure that the stated contents, instructional methodologies and the time lines are followed appropriately. This paper examines the extent at which the HIV/AIDS curriculum is being implemented at the Secondary School level in Kenya. …
This document reproduces sample lessons on health and family life education from Ministries of Education in the Caribbean.
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States - Beirut and the Division for the Promotion of Quality Education (ED/PEQ) at UNESCO Headquarters had selected the Educational Guide entitled “Learning for Life: A Guide to Family Health and Life Skills Education for Teachers and Students”, for translation and adaptation into Arabic, as an example for promoting education and training programmes in the field of public and school health in the Arab region. …
Every student has a right to learn in a safe environment. Yet for students who face bullying and harassment, schools and other educational settings can be fundamentally unsafe places. Bullying can take multiple forms, including: teasing, name-calling and labelling, physical abuse, sexual assault and social exclusion. Bullying not only threatens a child’s right to education, but it undermines other fundamental rights to health, safety, dignity and freedom from discrimination. Bullying occurs at all levels of education, including in primary schools. …
This handbook is the result of an information repackaging programme of the Regional Clearing House on Population Education. It is developed for educators, information providers, counsellors, service providers and peer educators. It will serve as a reference tool, which will provide guidelines, teaching/training strategies and actual sample lessons or activities to be used in counselling and educating adolescents in various aspects of reproductive and sexual health. …
Ce guide de facilitation a été préparé par l’Alliance Internationale contre le VIH/SIDA (l’Alliance) à l’attention des facilitateurs de séances participatives en matière de prévention des IST curables et du VIH/SIDA. Il comprend deux séries d’outils : Des exercices de groupe pour démarrer, organiser, animer et évaluer une séance de discussion participative; Des exercices pour initier et faciliter une discussion et un apprentissage participatif concernant les IST curables et le VIH/SIDA.
Guidelines and life skills education module for the prevention of HIV and AIDS for senior secondary teachers (SMA) or equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia.
Nous présentons ici nos résultats préliminaires concernant l’étude des pratiques d’enseignants de biologie du secondaire dans la prévention du SIDA. Par une étude comparative entre la France et le Congo-Brazzaville, nous cherchons à définir l’articulation entre les contenus enseignés sur le SIDA (par rapport aux programmes), les situations pédagogiques mises en oeuvre, les modèles de prévention et la perception que les enseignants ont de leur rôle d’acteur de prévention-SIDA, et d'autre part l'impact que ces pratiques peuvent avoir sur le système didactique.
The lessons contained in this packet provide a means for educators to begin to address homophobic bullying in their school setting. The four activities proposed are aimed at both primary and secondary level classes. A list of resources from other organizations for teachers, for all subjects and all grades is included to enable greater choice of possible activities. …
Guidelines and life skills education module for the prevention of HIV and AIDS for junior secondary teachers (SMP) or equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia.
Kit Informasi Guru ini berisi kumpulan lembar fakta yang meliputi sekelompok masalah yang penting dipahami oleh guru tatkala mereka mendidik murid mereka baik di tingkat pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan menengah. Lembar fakta tersebut bertujuan untuk menyadarkan para guru tentang masalah yang berkaitan dengan HIV dan AIDS dan sekaligus menunjukkan cara-cara penanggulangannya untuk disampaikan pada waktu mengajar. Kit ini dapat dimanfaatkan juga sebagai sumber bacaan tersendiri bagi pembelajaran jarak jauh atau sebagai buku pelengkap dalam pelatihan guru in-service. …
This document provides the results of a survey carried out by the The Strategies for Hope Trust between January and April 2010. The aim of the survey was to obtain feedback from users of the "Stepping Stones" training package on the following topics: who exactly has been using these materials; with which groups the materials have been used, and in what numbers; how the participants in these training sessions have perceived the materials; what the participants decided to do after the training sessions, and how useful the materials have been to them.
This report sets out findings of a research study designed to establish current levels of sex and relationships education (SRE) provision in further education (FE) and sixth form colleges. …
El Ministerio de Educación es la instancia encargada de establecer las normas y acciones pedagógicas a ser implementadas en las Instituciones Educativas a nivel nacional. …