Rome: WFP, 2020. 40 p. + 7 p.
World Food Programme, WFP
In this strategy (2020-2030) WFP lays out its vision of working with governments and partners to jointly ensure that all primary schoolchildren have access to good quality meals in school, accompanied by a broader integrated package of health and nutrition services. The first section of this document reviews evidence that the investment in the health and nutrition of schoolchildren is important and it also highlights that it is a systematically neglected issue, especially in low-income countries. The second section lays out an evidence-based integrated response, which goes beyond what WFP or any single actor or sector can do. Therefore, this strategy is also intended for governments and partners, calling for a new multisectoral, multi-actor response to a crucial issue directly related to the achievement of the SDGs. In the third section the document presents the role of WFP and its strategic response to closing the identified gaps, focusing on the shift that is required for the organization to achieve the vision.
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