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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

Search resources

The search found 36 results in 0.014 seconds.

Search results

  1. Global Handwashing Day "Alaways wash your hands" poster

    This poster, designed for children, shows the key times for handwashing and demonstrates how to properly wash hands.

  2. Wash your hands!

    Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives.

  3. Zika virus. What is Zika?

    Zika is a virus spread to humans by Aedes mosquitoes - the same mosquitoes that spread dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. It usually causes mild illness.

  4. Protect others from getting sick

    Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus.

  5. Wash your hands

    Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus.

  6. Protect yourself and others from getting sick. Wash your hands

    Protect yourself and others from getting sick. Wash your hands


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