ICOMOS Netherlands in cooperation with the Delft University of Technologie, Netherlands and the Water Channel, is organizing a series of 3 open webinars on Water and Culture.

The overall aim of the webinar series is to inform water professionals and heritage experts about the Water and Heritage initiative and its activities that aim at recognition by water managers that water related heritage can contribute significantly toward water challenges. The specific objective of the webinars is to encourage national working groups to be initiated with the longer-term objective to mobilize support to have Water and Heritage discussed at the UN International Water conference to be held in New York in 2023, see the Chair’s Statement of the symposium ‘Water and Culture’ held on February 3 in Tokyo.

To stimulate the development of national working groups of water professionals and cultural heritage experts, 3 webinars will be held, as follows:

Webinar 1:

Wednesday 16 September: 2020 from 12.00 to 13.30 CET:

Objectives, activities and modalities including cooperation with water organisations and experts for the International Scientific Committee on Water and Heritage.


Webinar 2:

Wednesday 14 October 2020 from 12.00 to 13.30 CET

A tour d’horizon of water related heritage activities and organisations in international water institutions

Webinar 3:

Tuesday 17 November 2020 from 12.00 to 13.30 CET

Presentation of telling examples and assessment methodologies of water related cultural heritage for present and future water management planning and policies.

Click here to learn more about the event.