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Connectivity for learning - COVID-19 education webinar #10

When :

from Friday 22 May, 2020
to Friday 22 May, 2020

Type of event :

Consultative Meeting

Where :

Online, France

Contact :


The 10th webinar of the ongoing UNESCO series provides an opportunity to explore questions about connectivity divides in the light of COVID-19, looking at the short, medium and long term implications of connectivity on education.

The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed sudden and radical shifts that affect all aspects of our lives. Public health efforts to contain the spread of the virus have restricted movement and have forced schools, businesses, and cultural venues to close. During this unprecedented experience of lockdown, Internet provides a crucial portal that allows individuals to access critical information, to maintain social communication, to work, and to continue their education. Yet, despite the enlarged importance of the internet during the pandemic, many people remain unconnected to this vital tool.