The IOC launched its institutional strategy to support its Member States in developing Integrated Coastal Area Management (ICAM) in 1997. Since then, countries have adapted the priority objectives of the ICAM Strategy to current needs to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”) of the 2030 Agenda.


Coastal and marine ecosystem-based management and planning to ensure sustainability

The IOC builds collective capacities to respond to emerging ocean issues through ecosystem and area-based management tools such as Integrated Coastal Area Management, Marine Spatial Planning and Sustainable Blue Growth initiatives, including transboundary and large-marine ecosystem approaches for the sustainable use of marine resources, with a view to achieve a healthy and a productive ocean.


Coastal and marine hazards adaptation and preparedness through ecosystem-based and area-based management tools to keep coastal communities safe

Together with its Member States and partners, the IOC promotes the integration of ocean-related hazards and climate change adaptation within coastal and marine management and planning tools in order to improve preparedness and resilience of coastal communities.


Coastal and marine data, information and decision support tools to know more about our ocean

The IOC continues supporting the increase of collective knowledge and management actions on the status and change of coastal and marine ecosystems and sustained services through use and dissemination of data, information and decision support tools. 


Useful links:

MSPglobal Initiative

IOC ICAM Strategy