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This report presents results of a baseline survey commissioned by Uganda National Teachers Union (UNATU) to gather baseline information that will guide the planning and implementation of the EFAIDS project. The study investigated the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector with particular focus on teachers. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were employed. …
This report is drawn from findings of a study on the association between awareness of HIV/AIDS and behaviour of RAU students in a social/cultural context. Students' knowledge, awareness and perceptions were determined, and their behaviour was linked to their HIV status. The study included a questionnaire survey coupled with a test for HIV status based on samples of oral fluid (saliva). Questionnaires and samples were anonymous, and provided on the basis of informed consent. The result of every HIV test was linked to the appropriate questionnaire by providing each with the same bar code. …
UNICEF’s Education for HIV Prevention and Mitigation Programme (EHPM) focuses on strengthening the capacity of adolescents and communities to fulfill their rights to correct information and appropriate skills enabling them to make correct choices for HIV prevention. EHPM will contribute to a reduction in risk-behaviour among adolescents through provision of life skills education for HIV prevention and mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS on children’s access to basic education through the development and implementation of national level systems and promotion of school-community support systems. …
This study is part of a research strategy to collect baseline data for a newly expanded project carried out by World Education, a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in Ghana in 2001. In partnership with local institutions, World Education strives to prevent the spread and mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS in the education sector. In collaboration with 12 civil society organizations (CSOs), activities are carried out in nearly 250 schools in four regions targeting students, teachers and parents through an innovative program, Strengthening HIV/AIDS Partnerships in Education (SHAPE). …
The UNESCO Office in Tashkent is implementing a project on the promotion of preventive education against HIV/AIDS in Uzbekistan. Within the framework of this project they have assisted the Ministry of Public Education in developing a curriculum and a teacher training manual for a newly introduced compulosry subject called, "Healthy lifestyles and family" which includes topics such as HIV/AIDS and its prevention. This base line study has been planned to assess the effectiveness of this project.
We report results from a randomized evaluation comparing three school-based HIV/AIDS interventions in Kenya: 1) training teachers in the Kenyan Government's HIV/AIDS-education curriculum; 2) encouraging students to debate the role of condoms and to write essays on how to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS; and 3) reducing the cost of education. Our primary measure of the effectiveness of these interventions is teenage childbearing, which is associated with unprotected sex. We also collected measures of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS. …
This paper sets out to demonstrate that clear links exist between HIV/AIDS education, both inside and outside the education system, and levels of awareness and knowledge about HIV/AIDS and associated risk behaviour. It also examines evidence of consequent behaviour change in relation to such information and linked understanding of the risks posed by HIV/AIDS.
La presente étude, consacrée à la région de Mopti, a été suscitée par la nécessité de parvenir à programmer des activités pertinentes favorisant des changements positifs de bénéficiares du projet relativement à leurs comportements, attitudes et pratiques vis-à-vis du VIH/SIDA. Et ce, d'autant plus que dans ce domaine particulièrement sensible, il faut se convaincre que toute approche , pour être porteuse, devra nécessairement prendre en compte les construits sociaux, les réalités de différents ordres.
This report presents the main findings of a comprehensive assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in Nepal. The report focuses on the following three key questions: What is the actual and likely impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers and other MOES staff? What is the actual and likely impact on the education of primary and secondary school students who are directly affected by the epidemic? What has been and what should be done in the future to prevent HIV infection among teachers and students as well as support for all those who are directly affected by the epidemic?
Ce document examine les programmes d'interventions liées aux changements de comportements sexuels concernant le VIH et qui expriment de manière explicite leur approche théorique. Il traite ensuite de l'impact de ces interventions sur les changements de comportement. Il est divisé en 4 parties : 1.Aperçu des modèles théoriques de changement de comportement; 2. Etude des principales approches utilisées pour freiner la transmission du VIH; 3. Résumé des interventions réussies et 4. Discussion des défis à venir.
This case study focuses on Zambia's Lusaka and Southern Provinces and the views of teachers and pupils of that region with regards to the teaching of HIV/AIDS in basic education. It is limited to the efforts being made by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Zambia on fighting the spread of the disease among school children and teachers.