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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Connaisances, attitudes et pratiques dans les domaines des IST et du VIH/SIDA dans la Region de Mopti : rapport d'enquête

    La presente étude, consacrée à la région de Mopti, a été suscitée par la nécessité de parvenir à programmer des activités pertinentes favorisant des changements positifs de bénéficiares du projet relativement à leurs comportements, attitudes et pratiques vis-à-vis du VIH/SIDA. Et ce, d'autant plus que dans ce domaine particulièrement sensible, il faut se convaincre que toute approche , pour être porteuse, devra nécessairement prendre en compte les construits sociaux, les réalités de différents ordres.

  2. An assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in Nepal

    This report presents the main findings of a comprehensive assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in Nepal. The report focuses on the following three key questions: What is the actual and likely impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers and other MOES staff? What is the actual and likely impact on the education of primary and secondary school students who are directly affected by the epidemic? What has been and what should be done in the future to prevent HIV infection among teachers and students as well as support for all those who are directly affected by the epidemic?

  3. Teach them while they are young, they will live to remember

    This case study focuses on Zambia's Lusaka and Southern Provinces and the views of teachers and pupils of that region with regards to the teaching of HIV/AIDS in basic education. It is limited to the efforts being made by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Zambia on fighting the spread of the disease among school children and teachers.

  4. Health seeking behaviour and the control of sexually transmitted disease

    What people do when they have symptoms or suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) has major implications for transmission and, consequently, for disease control. Delays in seeking and obtaining diagnosis and treatment can allow for continued transmission and the greater probability of adverse sequelae. An understanding of health seeking behaviour is therefore important if STD control programmes are to be effective. However, taboos and stigma related to sex and STD in most cultures mean that gaining a true picture is difficult and requires considerable cultural sensitivity. …


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