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Curriculum development is one of the most noticeable areas requiring attention in higher education: a limited curriculum integration is cited as a general weakness of institutional responses to HIV and AIDS. In the immediate future, integration of HIV and AIDS into curriculum must be a priority for institutions and funders. This document can be used as a toolkit, a hand-book to successfully integrating HIV and AIDS into the curricula of higher education. It is based on case studies, offering a multidimensional benchmark of interventions that should serve as a model to other institutions.
This study sought to provide evidence whether eLearning compared to classroom instruction improved HIV knowledge uptake among learners between ages 11 – 16 years. Based on the study’s findings, the supporting education departments are strongly advised to consider implementing eLearning as a technique to transfer HIV knowledge to adolescents using a culturally-adapted and interactive platform.
A large proportion of young people worldwide are sexually active, and this exposes them to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV, and to the risk of unintended pregnancies. In 2008, 16 million girls aged 15 to 19 gave birth and approximately 40% of these pregnancies were unintended. Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years account for more than one third of all new HIV infections, with some 3,000 young people becoming infected with HIV each day. …
Education, HIV and gender equality are deeply inter related aspects of personal and global development. This booklet presents new thinking and emerging research alongside a series of case studies and examples of new and time-tested programmes on the issues of gender equality, HIV and education and the interrelation between them. It includes discussion papers, which explore issues and emerging evidence in greater depth, as well as case study examples of programmes and interventions from a range of countries. …
This report builds on a programme of work on sexuality education for young people initiated in 2008 by UNESCO. It is also informed by several other past and ongoing initiatives related to scaling up sexuality education, as well as drawing on case studies presented at the Bogota international consultation on sexuality education, convened by UNFPA in 2010. The report emphasizes the challenges for scaling-up in terms of integrating comprehensive sexuality education into the formal curricula of schools. …
In December 2010, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organized a Global Consultation on Sexuality Education, in Bogota, Colombia, to discuss the most effective approaches to sexuality education that promote human rights, advance gender equality and improve sexual and reproductive health. The consultation brought together some 80 practitioners and programmers from more than 36 countries. …
The development of a National Life Skills Education Framework (NLSEF) took place at an opportune moment in Tanzanian education. This framework, links closely with national strategies and initiatives in the education sector to improve the overall well-being and learning outcomes for all Tanzanian children and youth. These strategies include: MoEVT HIV and AIDS Strategic plan, the In-Service Training Strategy, Basic Standards for Pre-primary and Primary Education in Tanzania and National Strategy for Care and Support Services in Primary Schools in Tanzania. …
Throughout the world, many adolescent reproductive health professionals, schools, clinics and other youth serving organizations have developed and implemented a wide variety of sex and STI/HIV education programs to reduce unintended pregnancy and STIs among young people. Some of these programs are based on a written curriculum and are implemented with groups of young people. These programs are particularly well designed to be implemented in schools, where they can potentially reach large numbers of youth. …
We describe how selected adolescent learners experience their current HIV/AIDS programmes in school. The rationale of the instrumental case study was that knowing, appreciating and understanding learners' preferences and experiences should inform future HIV/AIDS curriculum design. Research was conducted at three specifically selected secondary schools (cases). Focus groups and written essays were used as methods for data collection from 90 Grade 11 participants. …
The purpose of this Policy Framework is to help decision makers (and other key stakeholders) understand the situation in Pakistan, and an overview of what needs to be implemented, based on the latest global evidence drawn from mainly Muslim countries on effective interventions for young people. The Framework does not present in any depth with “how to” implement the prevention education interventions within specific settings, although broad outlines of successful modalities are listed to provideguidance to provinces for adaptations to their specific needs. …
This is a manual for human development and fertility teachers of very young adolescents (VYA). It provides participatory activities on fertility awareness (understanding of maturing bodies and emotional changes that accompany puberty, empowering them to make informed decisions in their sexual behavior) and body literacy (understanding how bodies function, gender roles, power relations, social norms). VYA often lack information and skills to deal with the social, emotional, physical changes of puberty. …
Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk helps to design, adapt and select curriculum-based programs to effectively address critical factors that affect adolescents' sexual decision making. Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk offers a research-based, step-by-step guide to understanding 7 "sexual psychosocial" factors that affect sexual behavior. …
This National Policy on the Development and Implementation of a National Life Skills Curriculum for Personal Development and Employment Enhancement sets guidelines for Life Skills development in keeping with Trinidad and Tobago's national strategic plan. In pursuit of the national strategic priorities aimed at "nurturing a caring society" and "developing innovative people" this policy seeks to impact major social issues facing the country, such as poverty, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS, unemployment and crime. …
This behavioral change communication material development guideline has been developed by the Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (FHAPCO) in collaboration with the Ethiopian health sector development partners working on communication in HIV. The document offers step-by-step guidelines for developing/producing accurate, useful, and action oriented behavioral change communication materials to meet the communication needs of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care and support programs. The document is divided into three major sections. …
The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges facing headteachers in the implementation of AIDS education in secondary school curriculum in Busia, Bunyala and Samia Districts and find out how they were coping. Specifically, it focused on challenges in induction of teachers, provision of teaching and learning materials, supervision and evaluation of the teaching of AIDS education. Descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study population was 56 headteachers, 423 teachers and 9784 students in 56 secondary schools in Busia, Bunyala and Samia Districts. …