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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Health and family life education policy

    Health and Family Life Education, a comprehensive life-skill programme, is the chosen vehicle for HIV and AIDS prevention including both knowledge and skill acquisition. Its primary focus is to increase the awareness of children and youth, in formal and non-formal sectors of the fact that the choices they make daily will profoundly influence their health and personal development. …

  2. Good policy and practice in HIV and AIDS and education. Booklet 6: Pre-service teacher training

    This booklet is the sixth in a series of publications that address key themes of UNESCO's work on HIV & AIDS and the education sector. It synthesizes lessons learnt, activities, case studies, policies and practices in HIV-related pre-service teacher education and training. The guide concerns the key role pre-service teacher training has in preparing future teachers to deliver effective sexuality education and HIV prevention education to children and young people in education institutions.

  3. Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS 2012-2016. Full report

    Within the Department of Basic Education (DBE) this integrated strategy is currently being developed in accordance with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and with new thinking globally on rolling back HIV and AIDS. The strategy relies on the framework of the NSP with prevention, treatment, care and support and research/monitoring arms together with efforts to mainstream and strengthen a systemic response to HIV and AIDS. It will also define interventions beyond the Life Skills Programme to respond more comprehensively to the epidemic. …

  4. Early intervention: HIV/AIDS programs for school-aged youth

    This study is an effort to identify low-cost HIV/AIDS awareness programs in in-school as well as community-based settings that target school-age children and particularly adolescent and pre-adolescent youth. The primary objective is to determine the transferability of alternative and community-based programs to a larger scale through programs that use schools as a point of delivery. By sharing information, other programs, either active in HIV/AIDS education or beginning to plan for such programs, can gain from the experiences and information provided. …

  5. Documentation of advocacy work on comprehensive sexuality education in Nepal

    The goal of the project was to ensure the integration and implementation of comprehensive, gender-sensitive and rights-based sexuality education through the national curricula (primary and secondary) in Nepal. The project focused on the creation of sustainable advocacy networks with stakeholders to promote comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and undertake a national advocacy campaign. It worked with key stakeholders to adopt a broad based sexuality education curriculum and build skills to ensure its effective implementation. …

  6. Accelerating the education sector reponse to HIV in the Federal Republic of Nigeria: a review of five years experience

    In 2007, the Federal Ministry of Education (FME), Nigeria, in collaboration with Action Health Incorporated (AHI), Nigeria, and The Partnership for Child Development (PCD) with assistance from The World Bank School Health and HIV&AIDS; Team, undertook this review in order to document how the Government of Nigeria and development partners worked together to build a systematic education sector response to HIV&AIDS; in the country. …

  7. La discrimination envers les personnes vivant avec le VIH en Algérie : contribution à une réponse du système éducatif

    Ce guide, destiné aux acteurs du processus éducatif mais aussi à tous les partenaires sociaux du système éducatif engagés dans la lutte contre la pandémie du VIH/Sida et ses stigmates, se veut, à la fois, une source d'informations sur le VIH/Sida en Algérie, un questionnement sur le respect des Droits de l'Homme liés au VIH/Sida, une analyse de la réponse du secteur de l'éducation nationale en matière de lutte contre le VIH/Sida, une analyse de la réponse du secteur de l'éducation nationale en matière de lutte contre le VIH/Sida, une nouvelle orientation des programmes éducatifs visant non seu …

  8. A review of the revised sexuality education curriculum in India

    A review of the revised Adolescence Education Programme module developed by the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and the Ministry of Human Resources and Development.

  9. Integrating HIV/AIDS/STI education program in the school curriculum

    This paper explores possibilities of integrating HIV/sex education into the school education framework. Various attributes of adolescents' vulnerability to HIV infection are discussed. The paper also looks at different aspects of AIDS education for young people based on both theoretical frameworks and models developed and widely used worldwide and on Armenian youth perspectives. …

  10. Sexuality and HIV education: time for a paradigm shift

    While we have learned a good deal about effective sexuality and HIV education, we can do much better. Several areas of research suggest that it is time to develop and test a "social studies" approach to sex and HIV education - one that starts earlier and fosters critical thinking skills, gender equality, and human rights. Such an effort may have important lessons for improved sexual and reproductive health outcomes and contribute to other aspects of young people's preparation for active, informed participation in civil society.

  11. Reaching very young adolescents (VYAs): advancing program, research and evaluation practices

    This report is based on a meeting held June 10-11th, 2010, in Washington, DC. …

  12. Standards for sexuality education in Europe: a framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists

    This document presents recommended Standards for sexuality education. The Standards indicate what children and young people at different ages should know and understand, what situations or challenges they should be able to handle at those ages, and which values and attitudes they need to develop; all of this so that they can develop in a satisfactory, positive and healthy manner as regards their sexuality. This document can be used for advocacy as well as for the development or upgrading of curriculums at different levels of education.

  13. Foundation for a healthy adulthood: lessons from school-based family life and HIV education curriculum implementation in Lagos State

    This report documents the experience of the Lagos State Ministry of Education and AHI in effectively instituting and implementing the Family Life and HIV Education curriculum across junior secondary schools in Lagos State between 2003 and 2009.

  14. Adultos en el aula: Aportes para una educación sexual integral

    Documento con material informativo para docentes para la implementación de un programa de educación sexual en las escuelas. Enfatiza el concepto de la importancia de la educación sexual integral y como parte de una política de gobierno, sin trabas culturales o morales.

  15. SIDA: Saber ayuda

    La presente monografía describe el programa "SIDA Saber ayuda" implementado por investigadores catalanes, dirigido a estudiantes de secundaria (entre 15 y 17 años) y puesto en marcha en toda España. Con este programa se buscó propiciar la comprensión del SIDA no sólo desde la perspectiva preventiva y médica, sino como un fenómeno global, que involucra dimensiones sociales, culturales, históricas, económicas, filosóficas etc. …


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