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The purpose of these manuals is to support a truly sustainable HIV response in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA), centered on positive leadership, prevention, education, advocacy, and mentorship. This training-of-trainers (TOT) curriculum was developed because women and men living with HIV (PLHIV) in MENA want to create a specific workshop that builds their skills as trainers, share information and build the first regional network by and for PLHIV. …
The purpose of this document is to give guidelines on the steps and rational behind the need to have curriculum integration and capacity building in tertiary institutions. Each university/institution may develop its own goal but the underlying principle is the development of HIV/AIDS courses and provision of HIV training to staff/students. …
A growing body of evidence exists to demonstrate what constitutes an effective school-based sexuality education programme. The factors that contribute to successful implementation of effective school-based sexuality education at regional, country or local levels - so-called "levers of success" - are less clear. These are the focus of this publication. The term levers of success is used to describe the conditions and actions that have been found to be conducive to the introduction or implementation of sexuality education. Such levers are both general and specific. …
In 2008, UNESCO commissioned an independent evaluation of the implementation of EDUCAIDS, the UNAIDS Global Initiative on Education and HIV & AIDS (led by UNESCO) that seeks to prevent the spread of HIV through education and to protect the core functions of the education system from the worst effects of the epidemic. The evaluation was conducted by an external consultant and completed in 2009. …
Under the banner of South-South cooperation and in line with UNESCO's EDUCAIDS Framework, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) and UNESCO Brasilia have been working together to provide technical support to the five Portuguese-speaking countries (PALOP) for the development of a strong education sector response to HIV and AIDS. …
Estudio sobre la integración de la educación en salud, incluyendo prevención del VIH/sida, dentro del programa educativo. Los problemas de integrar estos contenidos en el currículum y capacitación docente al respecto.
HIV Prevention and Sex Education in Minnesota: What's Being Taught in the Classroom is a report providing the results from the 2006 Health Implementation Survey Safe and Healthy Learners Unit HIV Prevention Program from the Minnesota Department of Education. This report attempts to provide some insight into what is taught to Minnesota's public school students in sexuality education classes. …
The document "HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education" transcribes the speeches pronounced by different specialists at the opening ceremony of the UNICA/UWI/UNESCO Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education, in October 29, 2003. It is a wake-up call for the education sector to rise to the fundamental challenge of tackling the disease head-on. It states that HIV/AIDS is an important public health issue which needs to be confronted with a strong education response. Indeed, in absence of an effective vaccine to definitely fight against AIDS; education is the best way to prevent new infections.
Kenya's HIV/AIDS Education Sector Policy: Implications for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and the Teaching of HIV/AIDS Education is a paper resulting from a study conducted in 2005-2006 on the 2004 HIV/AIDS Education Sector Policy. It investigates the practical implications of the policy document in addressing provisions related to orphaned and vulnerable children and the teaching and learning of HIV/AIDS education. The paper further assesses practitioners' understanding of the policy. …
These Questions and Answers are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education. The Guidelines are based on evidence that broadly based sexual health education should reflect the diverse needs and realities of all people in ways that are age-appropriate, evidence-based, scientifically accurate, rights-based, culturally sensitive, respectful and inclusive of sexual orientation and gender diversity. …
This document provides answers to some of the most common questions that educators, parents/caregivers, school administrators, and health professionals may have about gender identity in the Canadian school context. The answers provided in this resource are based on up-to-date evidence and research. These Questions and Answers on gender identity are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education (Guidelines). …
La santé sexuelle est un aspect clé de la santé personnelle et du bien-être social qui a une influence sur les personnes toute leur vie durant. …
In May 2007, the Association of African Universities in consultation with the UNAIDS Technical Support Facility for West and Central Africa based in Burkina Faso commissioned a Mid-Term Evaluation of the AAU's three year Programme dubbed African Universities Responding to HIV/AIDS. This project is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency, Sida. With the project implementation coming to an end in December 2007, the objective of the evaluation was to review the implementation of the project so far and to make recommendations based on findings to improve project implementation. …
Between December 2006 and May 2007, In-country training of Trainers (ToT) workshops for the integration of HIV and AIDS into the curriculum for engineering, biological and physical sciences were held in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya. As a follow-up to these workshops evaluation was carried out in all the four countries. …
The project on Higher Education Science and Curriculum Reform: African Universities Responding to HIV and AIDS was jointly organized by UNESCO's Regional Bureau for Science and Technology in Africa and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE), Nairobi, Kenya. This report summarizes the in-country training workshops held for universities in four countries - Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya between 2006 and 2007. …