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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. It's all one curriculum: guidelines and activities for a unified approach to sexuality, gender, HIV, and human rights education

    It's All One Curriculum is a free, full-color resource for developing sexuality and HIV education curricula with an emphasis on gender and rights. It enables educators to teach young people about such topics as: Gender norms; Communication and decisionmaking; Sexual consent and coercion; Fairness and human rights (including sexual rights); Power and relationships; Preventing HIV, STIs, and unwanted pregnancy; Puberty; Social change. The first volume, Guidelines, includes seven content units, 22 fact sheets, points for reflection to foster critical thinking, and a module on advocacy. …

  2. Curriculum-in-the-making: being a teacher in the context of HIV and AIDS. Teacher education pilot project

    The topics covered in Curriculum-in-the-Making are ones that illustrate the dynamic nature of the work. Chapters Two, Three and Four have a great deal to say about our own beliefs as teacher educators in addressing HIV/AIDS. Chapters Five and Six highlight pedagogy while Chapters Seven and Eight offer support on assessment and evaluation to teacher educators and teachers. The chapters all follow a similar format: they start off with an overview of the section, followed by a consideration of why this is important within teacher education in South Africa in the context of HIV/AIDS. …

  3. Creating space for HIV and AIDS in the curriculum: a rapid assessment of curricular responses in South African higher education institutions

    This report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter maps out the area of theories and models of teaching and HIV/AIDS in HEIs. In so doing it draws attention to this work as a knowledge area in the study of Higher Education, and provides an overview of the methods used to carry out the study. The second chapter is a review of the literature on teaching and HIV/AIDS in Higher Education, focusing in particular on the national and regional literature. Chapter three offers a situational analysis of HIV/AIDS and teaching in HEIs in South Africa. Chapter four provides recommendations.

  4. HIV and AIDS in teacher education: evaluation report of a pilot project in South African higher education institutions

    The HIV and Teacher Education Pilot Project was initiated under HEAIDS Phase 2 and was premised on the critical importance of the capacity of the education and training system to deal with the challenges posed by teaching and learning in an HIV/AIDS affected and infected society. …

  5. Learning for life: classroom activities for HIV and AIDS education

    The EFAIDS Programme partners Education International, the Education Development Centre and the World Health Organisation present the most recent EFAIDS resource "Learning for Life: Classroom Activities for HIV and AIDS education" a toolkit destined to support teachers to address themes relating to HIV and AIDS with their students. The kit is composed of worksheets classified according to age groupings; under 10, 10-14 years, 15 and older. …

  6. Fortaleciendo la Educación Sexual a través de la Cooperación Horizontal entre Países Sudamericanos: Proyecto de Armonización de las Políticas Públicas en Educación Sexual y Prevención del VIH-Sida y Drogas en el Ámbito Escolar

    El proyecto "Armonización de las Políticas Públicas en Educación Sexual y Prevención del VIH y Drogas en el Ámbito Escolar" da cuenta de una iniciativa conjunta de cooperación técnica horizontal entre Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay. Mediante mecanismos de colaboración, intercambio y construcción colectiva, los países involucrados tuvieron como objetivo armonizar las políticas públicas relativas a educación sexual y VIH-SIDA, con la participación de diversos actores del sector público, sociedad civil y agencias de cooperación internacional. …

  7. Strengthening health and family life education in the region: the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of HFLE in four CARICOM countries

    Globally, several studies have pointed to the positive impact that life skills-based health education programmes have on the attitudes and behaviours of young people, but no such evaluation had been conducted in the Caribbean. With the development of a Regional Curriculum Framework to support the delivery of Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) in CARICOM countries, it was considered an opportune time to not only monitor the implementation of the Framework but to also assess its impact on students. …

  8. Educational planning and management in a world with AIDS. Volume 4: responding to the epidemic

    This series of modules has been developed to help build the conceptual, analytical and practical capacity of key staff to develop and implement effective responses in the education sector. It aims to increase access for a wide community of practitioners to information concerning planning and management in a world with HIV and AIDS; and to develop the capacity and skills of educational planners and managers to conceptualize and analyze the interaction between the epidemic and educational planning and management, as well as to plan and develop strategies to mitigate its impact. …

  9. International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators

    Based on a rigorous and current review of evidence on sexuality education programmes, this International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education is aimed at education and health sector decision-makers and professionals. It has been produced to assist education, health and other relevant authorities in the development and implementation of school-based sexuality education programmes and materials. Volume I focuses on the rationale for sexuality education and provides sound technical advice on characteristics of effective programmes. …

  10. Supporting the educational needs of HIV-positive learners: a desk-based study

    The purpose of this desk-based research was to review policy with respect to the education of HIV-positive children and to examine how their education can be encouraged and supported in primary and secondary school settings. This was done through an appraisal of the scientific literature that had a bearing on the special needs of the children, and the public statements of national and international organizations dealing with the epidemic. …

  11. Project H: working with young men series

    This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men. It incorporates two major perspectives: gender specificity and gender equity. It seeks to engage boys and to reflect about gender inequalities, to reflect about the ways that women are often disadvantaged and have to take responsibility for childcare, sexual and reproductive health and domestic work. …

  12. Manual for integrating HIV and AIDS education in school curricula

    This tool was developed by UNESCO's IBE with the goal of improving teaching and learning on HIV and AIDS in official basic education curricula. It includes a set of tools, assembled in a manual, to support the development and adaptation of quality teaching and learning material for HIV and AIDS education, as well as teacher training. Some of the key issues addressed in this manual include: How can HIV and AIDS education be integrated more effectively into existing curricula and school programmes? How can HIV and AIDS teaching and learning materials be effectively adapted or developed? …

  13. IPPF framework for comprehensive sexuality education

    This document focuses on comprehensive sexuality education that promotes and considers the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, especially those living with HIV. The report favours a framework of sexuality education that also deals with the needs of young people in order to promote an all-inclusive educational agenda. The document is based on consultations with IPPF staff, young people, external organizations and IPPF Member Associations. …

  14. Review on the education sector response to HIV and AIDS in Nepal

    The role of education is important for providing the right educational messages on HIV prevention and mitigation, and reduction of stigma and discrimination against people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. UNESCO considers it as one important area that the education sector can contribute and make education sector response a low cost and high impact initiative. In case of Nepal, we have no evidence on what the education sector has done to prevent HIV and mitigate its impact. To what level the education sector itself has been impacted by HIV and AIDS is also not known. …

  15. Promoción de la salud sexual. Recomendaciones para la acción

    El surgimiento de nuevos problemas, en particular la pandemia del VIH/SIDA, ha intensificado nuestra percepción en relación con la urgente necesidad de mejorar los programas de capacitación en sexualidad y de adoptar un enfoque mucho más concertado e integral de los problemas relativos a la misma. …


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