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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Where are the gaps?: HIV and gender pre-service teacher training curriculum and practices in East Africa

    Education, especially girls' education, is seen as the most effective protection against the HIV epidemic that has severely affected the school systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Effective HIV and AIDS education in schools can be achieved through high quality teaching, along with targeted and specific information about HIV and AIDS as part of a robust curriculum. Effective teacher-preparedness is a must for high quality HIV education in the classroom. …

  2. Guidelines for comprehensive sexuality education: kindergarten through 12th grade

    First published in 1991, the SIECUS guidelines have been translated into several languages and adapted in many countries. They were the first national model for comprehensive sexuality education in the United States. Established by a taskforce of experts, they provide a framework for educators to create new sexuality education programmes and evaluate existing curricula. They define concepts, topics, skills and messages that should be at the core of sexuality education courses and explain at which age level information should be introduced. …

  3. Right from the start: guidelines for sexuality issues (birth to five years)

    These guidelines were developed by a task force of experts and have been thoroughly reviewed by professionals. The vision of sexuality advocated is a "natural and healthy part of living that begins at birth and continues throughout life". The guidelines recommend actively including parents and caregivers in the teaching process and advising preschools and childcare centres to keep their teaching consistent with community norms. …

  4. Our whole lives: sexuality education for grades 10-12

    This curriculum focuses on equipping children with age-appropriate information that promotes basic values of sexual health. It is based on the guidelines of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). The curriculum is divided into 52 one-hour sessions distributed over five grades and is designed for in-school use either by a teacher or an outside educator. …

  5. Our whole lives: sexuality education for grades 7-9

    This curriculum focuses on equipping children with age-appropriate information that promotes basic values of sexual health. It is based on the guidelines of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). The curriculum is divided into 52 one-hour sessions distributed over five grades and is designed for in-school use either by a teacher or an outside educator. …

  6. Intervention mapping (IM) toolkit for planning sexuality education programmes: using intervention mapping in planning school-based sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) education programs

    This toolkit translates useful academic models, evidence, theories and other information into a practical 'cookbook', providing many tips, experiences and tools that have been used in projects in Africa and Asia. These projects are aimed at the design, implementation and evaluation of sexuality education programmes for young people. The toolkit uses the intervention mapping model as a framework that helps planners to systematically design health programmes and encourages them to take evidence-based decisions. …

  7. Good things for young people: reproductive health education for primary Schools. Teacher's resource book

    MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. …

  8. Good things for young people: reproductive health education for primary schools. Teacher's guide for standard 7

    MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. …

  9. Good things for young people: reproductive health education for primary schools. Teacher's guide for standard 6

    MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. …

  10. Good things for young people: reproductive health education for primary schools. Teacher's guide for standard 5

    MEMA kwa Vijana is an adolescent sexual and reproductive health programme, working in schools, health facilities and communities in the Mwanza Region, Tanzania. Its goal is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in this region and beyond. MEMA kwa Vijana has over 10 years of research and implementation experience. The documents have been developed for teachers' use after they have received training, without the need for additional teaching aids or books. …

  11. Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics

    Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics is a review document developed by D. Kirby, B. A Laris and L. Rolleri from ETR Associates (Education, Training and Research Associates) with the support of USAID (United States Agency for International Development) through FHI (Family Health International)/YouthNet Project, in 2006. This current review report reviews the existing literature on the effects of these curriculum-and group-based sex and HIV education programs on sexual risk behavior among young people in both developed and developing countries. …

  12. Tool to assess the characteristics of effective sex and STD/HIV education programs

    This tool is an organized set of questions designed to help practitioners to select, adapt, develop and implement more effective pregnancy, STI and HIV prevention programmes in their communities. It is based on the report, "Sex and HIV Education Programs for Youth: Their Impact and Important Characteristics", which identified 17 common characteristics of programmes found to be effective in changing behaviour that leads to STI, HIV and unplanned pregnancy among young people. …

  13. Health and family life education: refined scope and sequence, grades 7-9

    The document is prepared for teachers in the Caribbean, specifically in Jamaica. It includes a series of activities to make learning fun and to provide a positive environment in which students can develop the skills required to make healthy life choices, maintain behaviour that promotes good health and support a better society through the training of teachers and the development of a Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum. …

  14. National Family Life and HIV Education: teachers guide in basic science and technology

    This teachers' guide is part of the official Family Life and HIV Education (FLHE) curriculum in Nigeria. It includes sexual health topics from a scientific perspective. The main objective of the guide is to help learners to: (i) develop a positive and factual view of themselves; (ii) acquire the information and skills they need to take care of their health, including preventing HIV; (iii) respect and value themselves and others, and (iv) acquire the skills needed to make healthy decisions about their sexual health and behaviour. …

  15. A sexatlas for schools. Sexuality and personal relationships: a guide for the planning and implementation of teaching programmes in this area for primary, junior secondary and senior secondary schools

    This guide is based on recent research into sexuality education and health promotion in Sweden and focuses on sexuality and personal relationships for the planning and implementation of teaching programmes. It outlines important questions to be asked before the development of any education programme on sexuality and personal relationships and is designed to assist schools in analysing and structuring these programmes, to promote discussions and develop the teacher's ability to respond in an open and instructive manner to questions about sexuality and relationships. …


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