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A new policy brief from the Population Reference Bureau (PRB), Youth in a Global World, describes what it's like to grow up in today's world, with a special focus on four major experiences in the lives of young people: schooling, health, marriage, and childbearing.
Dos largas décadas de experiencia con el VIH/SIDA han demostrado que nada reemplaza un plan nacional sobre SIDA que involucre de manera proactiva a todos los actores - el gobierno nacional y las autoridades comunales, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, el sector privado, los medios de comunicación, las iglesias y las organizaciones internacionales. …
El presente diagnóstico describe la situación socioeconómica en que se encuentran las mujeres que viven con VIH/SIDA en nuestro país, problemática que no ha sido abordada por otros estudios. De acuerdo al control epidemiológico de la Comisión Nacional de SIDA (CONASIDA) del Ministerio de Salud, una de las características de esta pandemia en Chile -al igual que en otros países del mundo- es la tendencia a la feminización, lo que guarda relación con la vulnerabilidad sociocultural en la que se encuentran las mujeres producto de los patrones de género establecidos en nuestra sociedad.
This study (one of the few of its kind conducted in Laos) provides a wealth of information on the sexual behaviour of young men, which could guide future HIV prevention programs. While the survey only looks at the attitudes and activities of men living and working in Vientiane, it nonetheless illuminates both important similarities and differences in Lao male behaviour compared to men in other countries, including countries in the immediate region.
This report is the outcome of a survey conducted in May 2004 among programmes/projects or organizations with Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) activities, UNFPA's country offices in the Asia and the Pacific region and other partners. It was meant to update information on ARSH needs to more effectively assist programmes dealing with ARSH in Asia and the Pacific region, and to serve as the basis to prepare a regional work plan of interventions. This document is available online at
This research study is a valuable document for policy makers, teachers, parents and community leaders to explore the knowledge, awareness and attitude in adolescence education in India. The analysis could be used as a reference for the programmes and projects related to the adolescents and their sexual behaviour, including sexual initiation, risky sexual behavior, and coerced sex. …
The report focuses on girls around the world who marry and have babies while they are still children themselves, resulting in maternal and child mortalities and for those who survive, a struggle to overcome poor health, limited education, and grinding poverty. The report recommends ways to help girls delay marriage and motherhood until they are emotionally and physically ready to give birth and raise children and suggests programmatic and policy solutions to help child mothers and their babies survive and thrive. …
The report presents findings of the 2002 reproductive health baseline community survey carried out in townships under the UNFPA project. The main objectives of the survey is to find out knowledge, attitude and practice related to reproductive health, STD, HIV/AIDS, maternal health and contraception. The study will provide baseline information for evaluating the progress in the level of knowledge and behaviour change on the reproductive health in those township communities at the end of the project in 2005.
The report shows fertility rates, trends, and differentials for 43 countries. Eight types of measures are presented including total anf age-specific fertility rates, general and crude birth rates, the mean number of children born of women, total marital fertility rates and marital duration fertility rates, age at first birth, parity progression ratios, and birth intervals. These indicators are presented for the total country and by women's residence, education, work status, and migration status, and by the education and occupation of their husband.
The report presents the findings of an international comparative analysis of age at marriage and age at first birth, marital instability, informal unions, and teenage reproductive behaviour, with emphasis on trends over the past decade. For some trend analyses, this review is limited to countries where DHS surveys were conducted between 1990 and 2002.
This assessment of adolescent reproductive health in Sri Lanka is part of a series of assessments in 13 countries in Asia and the Near East. The purpose of the assessments is to highlight the reproductive health status of adolescents in each country, within the context of the lives of adolescent boys and girls. The report begins with the social context and gender socialization that set girls and boys on separate lifetime paths in terms of life expectations, educational attainment, job prospects, labour force participation, reproduction, and duties in the household. …
The report provides a summary of recent information on selected aspects of population, education and development. It covers topics such as trends in population, education and development; education and entry into reproductive life; the interrelationships between education and fertility; education, health and mortality; and education and international migration. The report finds that education plays a key role in national development, besides being a prime component of individual well-being. …
This assessment of adolescent reproductive health in Pakistan is part of a series of assessments in 13 countries in Asia and the Near East. The purpose of the assessments is to highlight the reproductive health status of adolescents in each country, within the context of the lives of adolescent boys and girls. The report begins with the social context and gender socialization that set girls and boys on separate lifetime paths in terms of life expectations, educational attainment, job prospects, labour force participation, reproduction, and duties in the household. …
This assessment of adolescent reproductive health in Indonesia is part of a series of assessments in 13 countries in Asia and the Near East. The purpose of the assessments is to highlight the reproductive health status of adolescents in each country, within the context of the lives of adolescent boys and girls. The report begins with the social context and gender socialization that set girls and boys on separate lifetime paths in terms of life expectations, educational attainment, job prospects, labour force participation, reproduction, and duties in the household. …
This assessment of adolescent reproductive health in Bangladesh is part of a series of assessments in 13 countries in Asia and the Near East. The purpose of the assessments is to highlight the reproductive health status of adolescents in each country, within the context of the lives of adolescent boys and girls. The report begins with the social context and gender socialization that set girls and boys on separate lifetime paths in terms of life expectations, educational attainment, job prospects, labour force participation, reproduction, and duties in the household. …