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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The state of World Population 2001. Footprints and milestones: population and environmental change

    Human activity is altering the planet on an unprecedented scale, the report points out. More people are using more resources with more intensity and leaving a bigger "footprint" on the earth than ever before. The report examines the close links between environmental conditions, population trends, and prospects for alleviating poverty in developing countries. It finds that expanding women's opportunities and ensuring their reproductive health and rights are critically important, both to improve the well-being of growing human populations and to protect the natural world.

  2. Halfway there: a prescription for continued progress in preventing teen pregnancy

    The report reflects some key lessons that the National Campaign has learned in the past five years of intense work on teen pregnancy prevention. It reviews the status of teen pregnancy in the U.S. The report then summarizes ten insights about the challenge of preventing teen pregnancy that the National Campaign gained from its intense interactions with teens and parents, researchers, programme leaders, policy-makers and the media. …

  3. Trafficking and girls

    The factsheet presents the world situation of trafficking in girls and suggests key actions to be undertaken. Statements of international commitments presented at the ICPD, Cairo 1994 and Convention on the Rights of the Child are also included. The fact sheet can be used as advocacy tools for anyone working in the area of young people's sexual and reproductive health.

  4. World Youth Report 2005: Young people today, and in 2015

    This second edition of the World Youth Report reflects a very different approach from that of the earlier edition. The main findings of the 2003 Report remain valid. In the present publication, the 15 areas of priority are grouped into three clusters that reflect a somewhat broader focus on youth in a global economy, youth in civil society, and youth at risk. …

  5. Working-age adult mortality and primary school attendance in rural Kenya

    The rapid increase in adult mortality due to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa raises great concern about potential intergenerational effects on children. This article estimates the impact of AIDS-related adult mortality on primary school attendance in rural Kenya using a panel of 1,266 households surveyed in 1997, 2000, and 2002. The paper distinguishes between effects on boys' and girls' education to understand potential gender differences resulting from adult mortality. We also estimate how adult mortality affects child schooling before as well as after the death occurs. …

  6. Where the heart is: meeting the psychosocial needs of young children in the context of HIV/AIDS

    An output of a series of workshops on psychosocial support held in 2004-2005 by the Bernard van Leer Foundation and the Coalition on Children Affected by AIDS. Authors Linda Richter, Geoff Foster and Lorraine Sherr discuss the issues surrounding psychosocial care and support for children made vulnerable by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and make recommendations for future priorities and programming directions. Includes the ""Call To Action"" for Toronto 2006.

  7. Where teachers fear to tread - communicating about HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

    In Mozambique teachers have been given a major role in promoting HIV/AIDS awareness and behavioural change among children. Teachers' own experiences and attitudes will influence how they deal with this challenge. This paper presents the results of a three-month study of teachers in Mozambique and provides a kaleidoscope of personal accounts of the impact of HIV/AIDS on teachers' lives and their work, how children are confronted with the disease, and how instructors perceive their role as communicators in combating this pandemic. …

  8. Where have all the flowers gone? A preliminary analysis of the decline in first year school enrolment in KwaZulu Natal and possible links to HIV/AIDS

    Enrolment is the single most important statistic in education, given its impact on every other element of supply and demand. The purpose of the analysis is to explore possible reasons forthe decline in first year school enrolment in KwaZulu Natal and suggest that the impact of HIV/AIDS may be a significant factor. It will also argue that if indeed HIV/AIDS is partially or even largely responsible for the decline, it is first and foremost a management issue of the greatest importance, irrespective of the problem's source. …

  9. Walking the talk: putting women's rights at the heart of the HIV and AIDS response

    Using research from 13 countries, this report demonstrates that gender inequalities and the persistent and systematic violation of their rights are leaving women and girls disproportionately vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. Poverty and limited access to education and information, discriminatory laws and ingrained gender inequalities all deny women and girls their rights. …

  10. The education sectors' responses to the needs and vulnerabilities of children affected by HIV/AIDS

    Education is a crucial factor in the development of a child. In the light of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, education has become even more vital. The paradox, nevertheless, is that the pandemic has constrained school attendance, as well as school performance. The purpose of this study was to establish to what extent primary school-aged children affected by HIV/AIDS (CABA) are educationally affected, as well as to find out how the education sector is responding to the problems CABA face. …

  11. The construction of gender in times of change: a case study of school-based HIV/AIDS education in Kilimanjaro

    This case study utilized qualitative and quantitative methods to examine how gender, power and HIV/AIDS merge to create situations of risk and vulnerability for young people in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. Questionnaires were collected from 160 secondary school students, while qualitative data came from 3 focus group discussions (one mixed and two single sex), interviews with one male and one female parent, one male and one female teacher, and an educational representative, in addition to observation. …

  12. The social demand for schooling in HIV/AIDS affected populations in Tanzania: summary results from a field survey

    This paper justifies and explores the results of a social demand survey for primary school enrolment in Tanzania. This records and analyses the evidence derived from a structured household-based survey in rural and urban school catchments in two regions of the country (Iringa and Dodoma) with children and their guardians which explores the social demand for primary schooling, especially in relation to household poverty indices and changing labour in households affected by prolonged illness and death. …

  13. The Effect of Orphanhood on Primary School Attendance Reconsidered: the power of female-headed households in Tanzania. Project Results Workshop, University of Dar es Salaam, 10-12 March, 2003

    The common presumption that orphans are less likely to attend school than non-orphans is re-examined using survey data from two regions in Tanzania. It is argued that orphans should not be compared simply with non-orphans since there are other vulnerable groups of children. Further, with particular reference to place of residence, it is argued that orphans should not be viewed as a homogeneous group. …

  14. The "Education Vaccine" against HIV

    This article focuses on the correlation between HIV infection and the level of education, the latter being a good proxy indicator for a person's overall socio-economic status. If the hypothesis holds true that, beyond the initial stage of the AIDS pandemic, education reduces the risk of HIV infection, then the new HIV infections will gradually become concentrated among illiterate and poor people as the epidemic spreads among the population.

  15. Technical consultation on children affected by HIV and AIDS: universal access to prevention, treatment and care, February 7-8, 2006, London. Consultation Report

    The third Global Partners' Forum (GPF) on Children affected by HIV and AIDS was, for the first time, preceded by a technical consultation of diverse stakeholders. The intention of this Consultation was to bring together technical expertise to address barriers to universal access of prevention, treatment and care for children affected by HIV and AIDS. Ultimately this group of stakeholders would take forward clear actions in their own right, as well as submit recommendations for consideration by the subsequent GPF. …


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