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Background: Previous research has suggested that orphaned children and adolescents might have elevated risk for HIV infection. We examined the state of evidence regarding the association between orphan status and HIV risk in studies of youth aged 24 years and younger. Methods: Using systematic review methodology, we identified 10 studies reporting data from 12 countries comparing orphaned and non-orphaned youth on HIV-related risk indicators, including HIV serostatus, other sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and sexual behaviours. …
This APCOM policy brief presents evidence on the vulnerability of young MSM, particularly with regard to HIV & AIDS. It highlights the gaps in strategic information in the region, particularly for young transgender people. It encourages countries to strengthen health promotion programmes for high-risk youth, while ensuring appropriate services for those who are HIV-positive. The brief calls on countries to engage young MSM and transgender people in national AIDS response, and to review and challenge laws criminalising sex between men.
A decline in HIV incidence has been reported in Zambia and a number of other sub-Saharan countries. The trend of HIV prevalence among young people is a good marker of HIV incidence. In this study, different data sources are used to examine geographical and sub-population group differentials in HIV prevalence trends among men and women aged 15–24 years in Zambia.
With an overall adult HIV prevalence of 15.3%, Namibia is facing one of the largest HIV epidemics in Africa. Young people aged 20 to 34 years constitute one of the groups at highest risk of HIV infection in Namibia. However, little is known about the impact of HIV on this group and its access to healthcare. The purpose of this study was to estimate HIV prevalence, to assess the knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS, and to assess access to healthcare among university students in Namibia.
The Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA), University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Health and Wellness Centre and the University of Botswana, hosted the fifth Imagined Futures conference on 28 and 29 September 2010 at Willowpark Conference Centre in Gauteng, South Africa.This year’s theme was 20/20 Vision: looking to the next decade through the last. The conference looked back on a decade of HIV/AIDS programmes implemented at various universities in southern Africa, in the hopes of identifying challenges and priorities for the next decade. …
This study looked at linkages between neighborhood educational attainment and HIV prevalence among young women in urban and rural areas of Zambia. Using cross-sectional survey data from 2003, 1295 women were identified from 10 urban and 10 rural clusters. A neighbourhood-level educational attainment measure was constructed by aggregating individual-level years in school. Adjustment was made for certain variables (education, currently a student, marital status, ever given birth, sexual activity, lifetime sexual partners). …
Aims: To identify with whom in-school adolescents preferred to communicate about sexuality, and to study adolescents' communication on HIV/AIDS, abstinence and condoms with parents/guardians, other adult family members, and teachers. Data were obtained from a baseline questionnaire survey carried out in South Africa (Cape Town and Mankweng) and Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) in early 2004. We analysed data for 14,944 adolescents from 80 randomly selected schools. …
This case study on the University of Zambia aimed at answering the following questions: In what ways has the University of Zambia been affected by HIV/AIDS? How has the university responded to these impacts? What steps is the university taking to control and limit the further spread of HIV/AIDS in its community? What HIV/AIDS-related teaching, research, publication, and advisory services has the university undertaken? How does the university propose to anticipate and address the larger impact of HIV/AIDS on the national labour market for university graduates? …
This article describes an evaluation of a school-based peer education intervention for HIV prevention among students in 27 high schools in Aden, Yemen. The intervention was developed after a survey among the same population in 2005, which revealed a high level of stigma toward people living with HIV (PLWH) and a low level of HIV knowledge. In a quasi-experimental design, students who received the peer education intervention (78.6%) were compared with students who did not receive the intervention (21.4%). No systematic procedure was applied in selecting students for the intervention condition. …
This newly released report, published by UNICEF with UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNFPA, ILO, WHO and the World Bank, describes the state of the epidemic in young people, the evidence for effective responses that address behavioural, social and structural challenges and prevent new HIV infections in young people. Country-specific data is shared.
Ce document décrit le programme Sport Pour la Vie (SVP) qui, en utilisant la popularité du football en Côte d'Ivoire, incite les jeunes et les jeunes adultes à participer aux activités de prévention et de soins du VIH/SIDA.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as tendências da epidemia de AIDS em grupos populacionais sob maior risco no Brasil no período de 1980-2004. Entre os anos de 1980 e 1988, os casos homossexuais ou bissexuais masculinos correspondiam à maioria. Posteriormente, há um decréscimo importante no papel desempenhado pelos HSH e ocorre um acréscimo nas outras categorias de exposição. Neste sentido, a análise da dinâmica da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil mostra a importância dos grupos HSH e UDI masculinos enquanto grupos de risco diferenciado.
This paper gives an overview of the HIV prevention battle in Southern Africa and supports the development of more balanced and innovative HIV prevention portfolio that adresses the real, immediate, and substantial risk facing young women from sub-Saharan African countries.
The Joint Action for Results: UNAIDS Outcome Framework, 2009-2011 represents a new and more focused commitment to the HIV response and serves as a platform to move towards UNAIDS' vision of zero new HIV-infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths. It commits the UNAIDS Secretariat and Cosponsors to leverage their respective organizational mandates and resources to work collectively to deliver results.The Outcome Framework focuses on ten priority areas, each of which represents a pivotal component of the AIDS response. …
The Global Criminalisation Scan Report 2010. Documenting trends, presenting evidence is a document written on behalf of the Global Network of people living with HIV (GNP+) in 2010. This report gives a global overview of the extent to which criminal and other laws have been used to prosecute people living with HIV for HIV transmission and exposure. The full impact of these laws on the human rights of people living with HIV and on access to treatment, care and support has yet to be fully understood. …