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The stereotyping of men and women reinforces unequal sexual practice; a vision of women as weak, innocent, passive and submissive while men are strong, virile, possessive and authoritative is conducive to rape and violence. The role of superstitious beliefs is an important factor; these generally take from women in various ways their right of choice and power of decision over their bodies.The special problems of living with HIV occur in all societies; the responsibility for honesty in sexual relations and proper care of sufferers. …
The discourse on the relationship between literacy and HIV is dominated by the belief that illiteracy is one of the causes of HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, the gender disparity in literacy rates means that women illiterates belong to the high risk groups. Comparing the literacy rate of the ten countries with double digit HIV prevalence rates seems to disprove this hypothesis as seven of these countries have estimated literacy rates of at least 79%. …
Ce document fait partie d'une série de livret élaboré par l'UNESCO dans le cade du Projet Spécial UNESCO/DANIDA pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique. Ces livrets sont destinés aux femmes néo-alphabétisées et aux filles non scolarisées. Cependant, les messages contenus dans les histoires peuvent être utilisés comme matériels pédagogiques de lecture supplémentaire au sein du système formel pour les lecteurs des deux sexes. Les sujets des livrets, basés sur les évaluations des besoins, reflètent un large éventail de besoins et de conditions des femmes d'Afrique sub-saharienne. …
Strong foundations, Early childhood care and education is the EFA (Education for All) Global Monitoring Report 2007 made under the supervision of UNESCO. It is part of The Education for All movement; a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults by 2015. This report focuses on the first EFA goal, which calls upon countries to expand and improve early childhood care and education - a holistic package encompassing care, health and nutrition in addition to education. …
This book is designed by the NGO "Young people we care" to encourage and help groups of young people to support younger children, their peers and adults who are living in communities and households affected by AIDS. It was published in 2005 in Zimbabwe. It can also be used by organisations that want to encourage young people to support their home-based care activities or organisations assisting children affected by AIDS. Young people we care is for use by any group of young people aged 15-24 years. …
The purpose of this document is to portray an accurate picture of the challenges faced by pre-pubescent young people in Kenya as they enter into adulthood and to reveal the misconceptions and myths about growing up, as well as the negative impact of these myths on the educational needs of marginalized children. This book arises from the work carried out by the Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) programme on basic competencies and information on growing up and sexual maturation (GUSM) in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in 2000. …
The paper outlines a background to the current social, health, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV and AIDS status of young people, and the magnitude and impacts of the AIDS epidemic with specific focus on young people's vulnerability to HIV infection. It provides an overview of Uganda response to HIV and AIDS highlighting policy interventions, strategies, approaches and the contributions of young people in the response. Challenges and emerging issues and opportunities for scaling up the response are briefly explored. …
This study ordered by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research of Rwanda, had four components. 1. Review of relevant documentation. 2. Meetings and consultations with various stakeholders. 3. Field visits to selected sites in various provinces and districts, in urban and rural areas. 4. A survey of adult literacy needs and desires and ongoing programme experience, which was the main component of the study.
L'atelier de validation du programme d'alphabétisation en Tshiluba qui a accueilli 21 participants provenant des Ministères des Affaires Sociales et de la Jeunesse, des ONGs et ASBL privées, avait pour but de présenter la nouvelle politique d'alphabétisation. En effet, jusqu'ici l'alphabétisation classique ou traditionnelle était appliquée alors que les apprenants adultes réclamaient un programme plus consistant permettant d'améliorer les conditions de vie. …
Presently 50% of the adult population is illiterate in 17 of African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal and Sierra-Leone). This handbook prepared by a group of experts constitutes the first step towards developing a holistic regional resource package for capacity building of NFE personnel in Africa. …
The workshop on the 'Role of Faith-Based Organisations in Adult Education' was convened with support from UNESCO from 6th - 7th, July 2004.The purpose was to sensitise and mobilise support for the national literacy survey and build consensus on ways of revamping adult education and literacy programmes. …
Le programme présenté lors de l'atelier d'avril 2006, en Kikongo, propose une alphabétisation fonctionnelle conscientisante qui aide les adultes à lire, écrire et calculer en vue d'améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Par le biais des images, des croquis, des contes, les adultes analysent les problèmes qu'ils vivent dans leur milieu et essaient d'y apporter des solutions.
African stories: results of the UNESCO/DANIDA workshops for the preparation of post-literacy reading materials and radio programmes for girls and women in Africa
The goal of "GIFT for RH" project is to increase the ability of illiterate and out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 living in remote regions of Nepal to make and act on informed decisions regarding their reproductive health and rights as well as to make the community and their peers aware of the same, by the girls' participating in Lalima literacy classes given in Adolescent Girls' Groups (AGGs). The programme was implemented by Aamaa Milan Kendra (Mothers' Club) with technical and financial support from Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). …
The guide provides a comprehensive methodology for developing materials for low-literate audiences in the context of a behavior change communication (BCC) programme. It demonstrates the process of learning about target populations using qualitative research methodologies, developing effective messages with their input, and crafting visual messages to support the overall HIV and AIDS programme. The guide also outlines a process for pretesting to ensure that the information and issues are understood by the population groups that programmes are trying to reach and influence.