Nairobi: Phoenix Publishers Ltd, 2006. 148 p.
Egerton University
Meeting the challenges for education in Kenya in the 21st century, Nairobi, 26-29 November , 2003
The purpose of this document is to portray an accurate picture of the challenges faced by pre-pubescent young people in Kenya as they enter into adulthood and to reveal the misconceptions and myths about growing up, as well as the negative impact of these myths on the educational needs of marginalized children. This book arises from the work carried out by the Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) programme on basic competencies and information on growing up and sexual maturation (GUSM) in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in 2000. This study from Maseno University confirmed that poor management of GUSM in primary schools acted as a selected barrier to the acquisition of basic learning competencies in primary schools. The research highlights the shortcomings in the current educational curriculum and emphasizes the need for a new curriculum that incorporates this very vital component. The book concludes that information on GUSM needs to be provided to pupils from Classes 1-8. The book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 lays down the theoretical perspective of the book and provides an overview of primary education in Kenya. Chapter 2 highlights efforts in primary education and teacher education to prepare teachers and pupils in the management of growing up and sexual maturation. Chapter 3 presents an overview of pupils' information needs on growing up and sexual maturation as presented by stakeholders (community, religious leaders, teachers and teachers' educators). Chapter 4 identifies the existing gaps in the primary education and the primary teacher education curricula with regard to teacher and pupil preparation on management of growing up and sexual maturation. Chapter 5 is the summary and conclusion, and provides recommendations on the way forward. The book contains an annotated bibliography and identifies other groups working in the area of growing up and sexual maturation.
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