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Education On the Move

The #EducationOnTheMove campaign will follow people real time over the next year as they move around the world in pursuit of their education. It’s designed to tell the real stories behind the recommendations and messages in the forthcoming 2019 GEM Report, Migration, displacement and education: Building bridges, not walls.

We’re inviting migrants and refugees everywhere to describe the ups and downs of learning in a new place. We’ll hear from teachers working round the clock to accommodate recently arrived refugees in schools in Lebanon, students bravely moving to study in a foreign country, parents whose children have missed years of schooling, and young migrants who’ve crossed continents for educational opportunities they’re now denied.

To support the campaign, please retweet and share their stories. To get involved, please get in touch and share your story

Use their experiences in your own advocacy work for the right to education to be realised for everyone, no matter what identification documents or residence status they have.



sofia  jui gary


juko ricardo  froilan


rox  zhi  shi


johnbesem  geo


  Richard on the move amelia on th emove smallEvy on the move

mohamad on the move  mohammad  Yamana on the move


mary on the move portrat  julieth front page  ali on the move image

