We help strengthen the capacity of countries to plan and manage their education systems for a more equal
and sustainable future.
TrainingWe are innovating. Join us in reimagining the future of IIEP-UNESCO training!25.11.2020
NewsCOVID-19 Educational Disruption and Response24.11.2020
BriefsCOVID-19: Rethinking education as the world moves forward23.11.2020
NewsCorruption in education: Where does your country stand?12.11.2020
NewsEducation: The antidote to inequality in Latin America post COVID-1910.11.2020
Strategic debateResilience in higher education - what lessons can we draw from COVID-19?09.11.2020
NewsPlanning and deconcentration: A new project in Haiti05.11.2020
In English
Monday 23 November 2020
Friday 12 February 2021