In close partnership with The Regional UN Development Group Interagency Technical Task Team on Young People, a 2 day workshop will take place in Beirut 21-22 June on “Revisiting Youth Policies and Role within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.


Youth policies and youth strategies are often considered as privileged entry points for youth organizations to make their voices heard in decision-making processes directly affecting them. While several Arab countries have actively committed to and engaged in the formulation/revision/implementation of their national youth policies and strategies, they are still struggling for their effective execution on the ground. Indeed, various structural, social, and cultural barriers are facing the concrete operationalization of these policies[1] as reflected in recent studies.


The key expected outcomes of the workshop are as follows:

  1. Opportunities explored to enhance youth participation in the design and concrete implementation of national Youth Policies as well as in SDGs and YPS Agenda implementation on the regional/national/local levels
  2. Evidence-informed recommendations for National Youth Policies operationalization, and creative youth-led actions at country level
  3. Reinforced networking and South-South partnerships among youth policy stakeholders including youth organizations, civil society organizations, aiming at proactive knowledge sharing and possible joint projects

[1] “Rapport sur la participation des jeunes dans la région MENA” (UNESCO, 2018)

In the field

Youth and Media


Activities building skills among youth organizations and young journalists; to enhance youth representation in media and promote freedom of expression, media and information literacy and youth-generated media content.

Youth and Employment


Activities joining youth organizations, employment experts and different national stakeholders to engage in dialogue and work together on unemployment solutions and skills needs. 

Youth Policies


Activities empowering youth to participate in the communal and national development, revision and implementation of national youth strategies and public policies.