Our mission
Among the numerous determinants of quality education and learning outcomes, getting a qualified and motivated teacher into the classroom is the single-most important school-based factor. The ambitious SDG4-Education 2030 framework must make considerable progress on teacher and teaching issues to meet the wider challenges of education systems.
The vision of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 is clear: teaching should be a valued profession and every learner should be taught by qualified, motivated and empowered teachers within well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed systems.
To achieve this vision, the TTF’s mission is to mobilize governments and other stakeholders for the advancement of teachers and quality teaching, acting as a catalyst of global, regional and national efforts through advocacy, knowledge creation and sharing, and country support and engagement.
The "teacher gap" – quantitative and qualitative – is the most notable challenge regarding teachers and teaching the world faces today. Not only are there not enough teachers in many countries, large numbers have also not received sufficient training. The TTF believes the most efficient approach to closing the gaps is to adopt holistic national teacher policies that include the widest range of interlocking dimensions affecting teachers and teaching.
The TTF’s mission is aligned with the SDG4-Education 2030 framework and other international teacher-related normative instruments.
Main Lines of Action
To fulfil its mission the TTF articulates its programme around three Main Lines of Action as defined in its current Strategic Plan 2018-2021. The logic is that by (1) creating or maintaining an awareness of the priority of teachers in the policy sphere, and (2) providing state-of-the-art knowledge, stakeholders will be equipped to tackle teacher gaps in their respective countries and contexts. For countries seeking assistance on those topics, the TTF (3) facilitates the provision of country-specific support.
1) Advocacy
The TTF aims to create and maintain awareness of the priority of teachers in the policy sphere. In particular, it advocates for social dialogue. The development and implementation of teacher policies requires dialogue and extensive participation of all stakeholders – starting with teachers themselves. Social dialogue is one of the key drivers of the teacher-related SDG target.
2) Knowledge creation and sharing
The prominence of teachers in the SDG4-Education 2030 Framework reinforces the need for sound knowledge about the situation of teachers. Detailed and regular monitoring of the progress of countries relating to teachers is needed and should go hand in hand with bridging knowledge gaps on teachers and teaching. The TTF builds on its expertise and network of partners to continue providing such knowledge and experience sharing. It will also play a supporting role in the monitoring of SDG target 4.c.
3) Country support and engagement
Teacher policies are context specific meaning there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. Countries requesting support in national policy making for teachers may ask the TTF for assistance. The role of the TTF, as a global partnership, is to identify partners and expertise, and broker support for countries that request it.
Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021

- Advocate on the critical role of teachers
- Foster social dialogue for comprehensive teacher policies

Knowledge creation and sharing
- Reduce the knowledge gap on teachers
- Strengthen the monitoring of the SDG 4.c target on teachers
- Exchange knowledge on the teaching profession

Country support and engagement
- Facilitate the support of countries