Tag Archives: inclusive education

10 students with a disability talk about the difficulties of accessing inclusive education in the USA

“Being disabled, for many of us, means the end to any hopes of pursuing an education”, said Ashley Cowan D’Ambrosio, a Master of Arts student at the City University of New York with multiple disabilities, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … Continue reading

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Takeaways from the Cali International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education

Last week (11-13 September), the International Forum on Inclusion and Equity in Education was held in Cali, Colombia, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Salamanca Declaration with a packed agenda. This blog summarizes some of the energy and outcomes … Continue reading

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New photo competition on inclusion and education

The 2020 GEM Report due out in April 2020 will cover inclusion in education, addressing all those at risk of exclusion from education because of gender, sexual orientation, displacement, migration, ethnicity, language, remoteness, poverty, disability or other characteristics. Pictures speak … Continue reading

Posted in disability, Gender, Inclusion, Language, migrant, migration, Poverty, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Unlock education for everyone

By Tisha Verma, Save the Children 2019 is a critical year for children and young people everywhere. It’s critical in building a world where every child gets the chance to learn. The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July in New York … Continue reading

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The GEM Report’s other new year’s resolutions in response to the consultation on the 2020 Report on inclusion

A new year, and an adjusted plan, this time thanks to the feedback provided during the consultation for the 2020 GEM Report on education and inclusion carried out during the second half of last year. No sooner has one GEM … Continue reading

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Displaced children with disabilities face overlapping barriers

The 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report launched two weeks ago, focuses on migration and displacement. In discussing displaced people with disabilities, it begins with a premise established by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that having an … Continue reading

Posted in Inclusion, migrant, migration, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

New 2019 GEM Report shows insufficient progress including migrants and refugees in national education systems

Launched at events across five continents today, the new Global Education Monitoring Report, Building Bridges, not Walls shows that progress is insufficient in providing an inclusive education for migrants, refugees or other displaced people. Migration and displacement affect education.   … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict, Equality, Equity, immigration, migration, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

10 messages and 10 recommendations on disability and education

Timed to coincide with next week’s Global Disability Summit co-hosted by United Kingdom Department for International Development, the Government of Kenya and the International Disability Alliance, we have produced a summary of content related to disability and education from our … Continue reading

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Join the online consultation for the 2020 GEM Report on inclusion and education

Following previous GEM reports on education and the other SDGs (2016), accountability (2017/8), and migration and displacement (2019), the 2020 GEM Report will focus on inclusion. An online consultation opened this morning for the Report and will run for eight … Continue reading

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Having a disability shouldn’t affect your access to education

Everyone has the right to education but for some people accessing this education is far harder than it should be. Marking December 3, which is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we are focusing on some of the barriers … Continue reading

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