UNESCO-IICBA hosted a scoping mission from the Seychelles

From 11 to 14 May 2018, UNESCO-IICBA hosted a delegation from the Seychelles to discuss potential collaboration on reviewing Seychelles’ education policy. The delegation consisted of Mrs. Rosianna Jules, Director of Seychelles Institute of Teacher Education, and Mr. Allex Souffe, until recently senior advisor to the Minister of Education and now Head of the newly established Teacher Management and Development section of the Ministry.


On Friday morning, Ms. Beth Roseman together with Mr. Omar Diop first introduced UNESCO-IICBA and its areas of expertise before Mr. Souffe delivered a presentation about the Seychelles, which included their needs regarding teacher education and teacher policy development. Concerning issues, such as teachers’ lack of motivation and challenges attracting men to the teaching profession, were discussed before Mr. Diop presented UNESCO-IICBA’s approach to teacher policy development and its nine important dimensions, citing UNESCO-IICBA’s recent technical assistance to Uganda.

On Friday afternoon, both sides brainstormed on the way forward and a detailed work plan was finalized early on Saturday. It was proposed to address the teachers’ issues in a holistic and interconnected manner addressing various issues pertaining to teacher education, teacher management, teacher accountability, governance, social dialogue, etc.


After an otherwise relaxed weekend full of leisure activities, visits to the Federal Ministry of Education and the College of Education of Addis Ababa University took place on Monday. The possibility of students’ and teachers’ exchange was explored with both institutions. Ato Solomon, Adviser to the Minister of Education, expressed initial willingness to assist the Seychelles with developing a functional technical and vocational education and training (TVET) framework, which Ethiopia has expertise in.

We at UNESCO-IICBA thank our dear colleagues from the Seychelles for sharing their experience and needs with us, and are looking forward to continuous and fruitful collaboration.