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The provision of quality education to all citizens through a qualified teaching force is a priority for the highest decision makers in Niger. The Parliament requested the ministry in charge of education to undertake an audit of contract teachers who represent over 70% of the teaching force in the country. Neither a good teacher management system nor the protection of the teachers’ professional status could be ensured without this exhaustive audit.

In response to the ministry of education’s request, the Teacher Task Force, the Association for the Development of the Education in Africa (ADEA) and UNESCO mobilized the technical expertise to support the process. Under the coordination of the Ministry of Education, the audit's documents and timeline was developed in 2013. The process was launched during a joint mission to Niamey where the authorities and particularly H.E. Mme Ali Mariama El hadj Ibrahim, Minister of Education, literacy and national languages, insisted on the importance of the audit to stabilize a teaching force dominated by contractual teachers (over 70%).

The objective of this audit was to carry out a thorough census of contract teachers; their deployment; identify their mode of recruitment modes and level of qualification; assess their level of motivation; and make recommendations for the professionalization of the teaching force.

ADEA undertook extensive work on contract teachers in the region. This expertise work on contract teachers enriched the process. Other partners supporting the educational system, notably UNESCO-Dakar and local stakeholders, including the teacher unions were involved in the process.