After more than 6 months since the beginning of national lockdowns and school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, reopening schools is necessary and essential. Interruptions to classroom-...
In these confusing and uncertain times due to forced homeschooling, authors from the Pansophia Project propose that we pause and reflect on this new reality before deciding on the best way to move...
The global provision of schooling is facing unprecedented challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Within the span of a few months, 191 countries had closed their schools to deploy social...
The bi-annual Survey on Literacy and Educational Attainment launches on November 27. The data collected will complement the information from the UIS Survey of Formal Education. The questionnaires for...
Results released for the 2nd iteration of the UNESCO-UNICEF-World Bank survey to monitor national education responses to COVID-19 school closures.
As part of the coordinated global education...
The UIS is launching its annual 2021 Survey of Formal Education for the reference year ending in 2020 to ensure the timely collection of data for SDG 4. The questionnaires and related materials are...
With COVID-19 school closures, teachers are faced with a myriad of challenges – the transition to remote teaching and the safe return to school to name a few. For World Teacher’s Day, the UIS, the...
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Last week @UNESCOstat launched the 2021 Survey on Literacy and Educational Attainment to collect data for SDG Indic…
A "Buyer's Guide" and "User's Guide" for education monitoring information systems (EMIS) can help countries set up…