Economic prospects thanks to practice-based training
Economic prospects at home thanks to practice-based training: Swiss international cooperation in Ukraine.
World AIDS Day: Young People and the Drive for Change
We visit Geneva and Harare to discuss the fight against transmissible diseases. Switzerland's global approach puts young people at the centre and goes beyond prevention.
Cultural freedom – the latest issue of the SDC magazine 'One World' is out now
Cultural freedom is under attack – all over the world. Yet it has major potential to help foster social change and development.
Combating violence against women
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women takes place on 25 November. The issue is a priority of Swiss foreign policy.
Switzerland and ICRC adapt to the challenges of digitalisation
On 27 November 2020, Switzerland and the ICRC signed a protocol amending the agreement that governs the ICRC's status in Switzerland. What does this cooperation entail?
"The region is preparing for a number of difficult years"
Switzerland is providing emergency aid following a series of hurricanes in Central America. Flisch Jörimann from the Cooperation Office in Managua coordinates the support on the ground.
The FDFA is mitigating the impact of COVID-19 around the world
How are Switzerland's international cooperation efforts helping to tackle the COVID-19 crisis? Here we provide an overview.
Swiss foreign policy: strategies and key aspects
Switzerland implements its foreign policy strategy in a three-level cascading process.
Greater focus and impact
Swiss development cooperation will become more focused, making it more effective. This is reflected in Switzerland's new international cooperation strategy for 2021–24.
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The SDC's magazine
Take a different kind of world trip four times a year and experience regions and countries from unusual perspectives with.
COVID-19: Switzerland's international cooperation response
Switzerland's international cooperation mitigates the health, economic and social consequences of COVID-19 at various levels.
Tech4Good: effective partnerships with the private sector and academia
Through close cooperation with the scientific community and the private sector, the SDC exploits the full potential of new technologies for poverty reduction.
Dispatch 2017–2020
The principles, tasks, objectives and focus of Switzerland’s international cooperation are set out in the Federal Council’s 2017–2020 Dispatch to Parliament.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
A global framework for sustainable development. The 17 sustainable development goals follow on from the Millennium Development Goals.