Global Careers for Women in Technology
WHEN: 14 May 2020
WHERE: Online Event
ORGANIZED BY: Global Careers
UNESCO participated in the Online Careers Event for Women in Technology on 14 May 2020 organized by Global Careers.
The online career event is aimed at engaging with talented women working in Tech and looking for a new challenge. Those talented candidates had the opportunity to engage with UNESCO recruiters about their next career move live 1-2-1 from the safe comfort of their home or office, via their computer, smartphone or tablet.
During the career event, UNESCO was conducting a live-streaming interview moderated by Victoria Zagitova, where Emma Heslop, Ana Peršić, and Pina Valeria Roos was telling about their experience and work at UNESCO.
Emma Heslop is a Physical Oceanographer and works as Programme Specialist in the Ocean Observation and Service Section at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission at UNESCO.
Ana Persic, a Program Specialist, who is leading UENSCO’s efforts to promote women in STEM with programmes such as the l’OREAL - UNESCO Partnership for Women in Science Award and The STEM and Gender Advancement, which works on improving measurement and policies for Gender Equality in STEM.
Pina Valeria Roos, a Human Resources Manager at UNESCO Headquarter who works with global talent acquisition and talent outreach, employer branding, new talent management systems and evidence-based selection methods.