Plastics (Marine)

Term desciption here.

It is widely recognised that marine litter can have significant ecological, social and economic impacts. Plastics form a large proportion of marine litter, and the widespread occurrence of macroscopic plastic debris and the direct impact this can have both on marine fauna and legitimate uses of the environment, sometimes remote from industrial or urban sources, has been well documented. Plastic debris comes in a wide variety of sizes and compositions and has been found throughout the world ocean, carried by ocean currents and biological vectors (e.g.

Published as: Our Work

Corporate author: IMO/FAO/IOC/WMO/UNIDO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
Person as author: Bowmer, Tim, Kershaw, Peter
ISBN: 978-92-801-4236-5
Language: English
Year of publication: 2010
Type of document: Book

Published as: Publication

Corporate author: UNESCO
Language: English
Also available in: French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic
Year of publication: 2021
Type of document: Magazine

Published as: Publication