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Right to Education Campaign Social Media

Credit: GEM Report/Corey Oakley



Right to Education Campaign Social Media


  • NEW 2017/8 GEM Youth Report on Accountability demonstrates the power of youth to hold governments to account for quality, equitable education. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Just as governments should be held to account for meeting their responsibilities, students shouldn’t be let off the hook for theirs – read our youth report to find out more. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • NEW GEM Youth Report calls for all young people to speak out when their rights or the rights of others to education are violated. Join our campaign #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE #RTE
  • The right to education means NOTHING if we can’t legally claim it when it’s violated. Join our campaign to make the right enforceable in national law. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE

Join our campaign calling on governments to make the right to education enforceable in national law in all countries

  • Students play an important role holding others to account for education by being part of social movements and protests. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Students play an important role holding others to account for education by speaking out in university governing boards and committees. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Youth have a real voice: In Chile, students began protesting against? inequalities in education in 2006. Their efforts eventually led the current government to introduce the biggest education reforms in 30 years #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Student power! The #FeesMustFall protests in South Africa were the largest national student uprising since 1976 and led to a freeze in tuition fees and an inquiry into possible solutions. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • When students sit on university committees, they can help voice student concerns and take part in decision-making. #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • How are your #teachers held accountable? Who makes sure your #schools are good quality? How do accountability mechanisms show if universities are good or not? Find out in the new @GEM Youth Report #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE

Join the campaign

  • Join our campaign calling on governments to make the right to education enforceable in national law in all countries. Currently this is the case in only 55% of countries. Join the #WhosAccountable campaign Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Currently, citizens in almost half the countries of the world are unable to take their governments to court if they violate the right to education. Help us change this. Join the campaign #WhosAccountable? Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • If governments aren’t doing as they said they would, we should be able to legally claim our right to education. Join the campaign #WhosAccountable? Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Governments must ensure that the right to education is enforceable – How is your government doing? Join our campaign and find out: #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • Check out the organisations and youth ambassadors championing our call for all citizens to be able to legally claim their right to education and add your voice! #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE
  • In Chile, the United States and Australia, it is not possible to take the government to court when it violates the right to education

Join our campaign calling on governments to make the right to education enforceable in national law in all countries



NEW 2017/8 @GEM Report UNESCO Youth Report on Accountability demonstrates the power of youth to hold their governments to account for quality, equitable education. Students play an important role in holding others to account for education, for example, by being part of social movements and protests  or by speaking out in #highered governing boards and committees #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE


A new @GEM Report UNESCO campaign is calling on governments to make the right to education enforceable in national law in all countries. Currently this is the case in only 55% of countries. The NEW Youth Report calls for all young people to speak out when their rights or the rights of others to education are violated. Join our campaign #WhosAccountable Bit.ly/WHOSACCOUNTABLE

The right to education means nothing if we can’t legally claim it when it’s violated