This blog is written by the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and is editorially independent from UNESCO
Tag Archives: target 4.7
Climate strikes by school children, which erupted in 2019, continue
đ Listen to this blog In the middle of the pandemic, the worldâs youth has not lost its focus on the planetâs biggest challenge. School children in Germany are setting up a political party, Klimaliste, standing in local elections. The party … Continue reading
Posted in Climate change, Disaster preparedness, Environment, sdg, sdgs, Youth
Tagged climate change, Environment, target 4.7
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Gender-responsive career counselling can help womenâs progress in science
Year-on-year the issue of women in science comes back to the surface as we celebrate the International Day of Women in Science. Yet, year-on-year there is not enough progress. The 2020 Gender Report showed that women are still over-represented in … Continue reading
Posted in Gender, Inclusion, STEM
Tagged Gender, gender equality, science, STEM, target 4.5, target 4.7
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What do you wish for the education of the next generation of girls?
2020 is a pivotal year as the global community will mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25). The Beijing Declaration is considered as the key global policy document on gender equality and the most … Continue reading
Posted in Gender, Uncategorized
Tagged Gender, gender parity, gender. equality, target 4.7
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The bottom ten countries for girlsâ education
The World Inequality Database in Education, WIDE, managed by the GEM Report and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, highlights the powerful influence of gender, combined with other factors such as ethnicity and location, over which people have little control but … Continue reading
Posted in Equality, Equity, Gender, parity, Uncategorized
Tagged Gender, gender parity, gender. equality, girls, girls' education, target 4.7
Gender gap in primary school enrolment has halved over past 25 years
Sunday is International Womenâs Day. The year 2020 is also the 25-year anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing in 1995), which culminated with the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a key global policy document on gender … Continue reading
Posted in Equality, Equity, Gender, Uncategorized
Tagged Gender, gender parity, gender. equality, girls' education, target 4.7
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Want your Digital Health Education Program to Work? Hire a Youth DesignerÂ
By Mireille Sekamana, a junior designer from Kigali, Rwanda. She works with YLabs to design digital platforms that provide health education to empower young people in Rwanda. Mireille is taking part in the Switched On Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 … Continue reading
If we do not provide young people with quality sexuality education, the digital world will Â
By: Joanna Herat, senior programme specialist for health and education at UNESCO, with expertise in comprehensive sexuality education, HIV, and school-related gender-based violence. Joanna is leading the team organizing the Switched On Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-21 February 2020, around … Continue reading
10 students with a disability talk about the difficulties of accessing inclusive education in the USA
âBeing disabled, for many of us, means the end to any hopes of pursuing an educationâ, said Ashley Cowan D’Ambrosio, a Master of Arts student at the City University of New York with multiple disabilities, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder … Continue reading
Posted in disability, Inclusion, Uncategorized
Tagged 2020 GEM Report, disabilities, disability, Inclusion, inclusive education, target 4.7
Pregnant girls must be supported in attending school
In October, Sierra Leoneâs government issued a clarification to its 2015 policy that barred pregnant girls from attending school. Sadly, the clarification only reaffirms the governmentâs position. Based on erroneous perceptions that âpregnant girls have the potential to negatively influence … Continue reading
Educating for the social, the emotional and the sustainable
By Andy Smart, Margaret Sinclair, Aaron Benavot, Jean Bernard, Colette Chabbott, S. Garnett Russell and James Williams Earlier this year, the UN Secretary-General reported that âthe shift in development pathways to generate the transformation required to meet the Sustainable Development … Continue reading
Posted in curriculum, sdgs, Sustainable development, textbooks, Uncategorized
Tagged afghanistan, curriculum, lebanon, SDG 4, target 4.7, teachers, teaching, textbooks