NGOs and Foundations
“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization may make suitable arrangements for consultation and cooperation with non-governmental international organizations concerned with matters within its competence, and may invite them to undertake specific tasks.” (UNESCO’s Constitution)
Since its founding, UNESCO has sought to collaborate with NGOs, which are fundamental civil society partners for the implementation of the Organization’s activities and programmes. Over the years, UNESCO has built up a valuable network of cooperation with NGOs having an expertise in its fields of competence, i.e. education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information.
Currently, UNESCO is enjoying official partnerships with 401 NGOs and 33 foundations and similar institutions.
In addition to this formal framework, the Organization has also been carrying out a range of activities hand in hand with non-governmental partners, not only at international and regional levels, but also at national level.
Combining expertise and resources with NGOs allows the Organization to:
- create strategic alliances;
- enhance efficiency and effectiveness of programme/activity implementation;
- strengthen visibility and impact of its action and presence, globally, regionally and at country level;
- reinforce the implementation and monitoring of its normative frameworks;
- enhance its capacity to reach all segments of societies which should be beneficiaries of its action;
- multiply the effects of UNESCO’s actions.