Sapporo celebrates winter with creativity and innovation
With the aim to illustrate how the creative elements could help in making winter pleasant and enjoyable, Sapporo, UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts in Japan organized three artistic events based on the theme ‘winter art’ from 1 February to 11 February.
These events included Sapporo Winter Change, a programme initiated in February 2019, aimed at encouraging interaction and exchange between artists, promoters and visitors. This year the city used media information in recreating virtual experiences using GPS data and virtual reality. The event was further complemented by Sapporo Yukiterrace, a snow and light event that exemplified the winter allure with the motifs of snow and lights, and Sapporo Icicle Festival 2020 that highlighted the unique artistic designs created using icicles.
These event witnessed and welcomed interaction and exchange between artists, art event supporters, and visitors in the hopes of making Sapporo winter a bit more fun.