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Graz invites the UCCN member cities for the 2018 Fifteen Seconds Festival

Graz invites the UCCN member cities for the 2018 Fifteen Seconds Festival

Mon, 04/16/2018

Fifteen Seconds Festival started in 2014 as a conference to explore the contemporary trends in the field of marketing. Today, the event has turned into an interdisciplinary business festival which gathers thinkers and practitioners from all around the world. This is why, the 2017 edition, over 4100 curious visitors decided to join Fifteen Seconds Festival and came to Graz to explore the city and its local creative innovation.

Indeed, over 5.000 experts from various fields such as marketing, advertising, media, technology and HR participate to the festival and exchange visions and projects for the future of business, sustainable economic growth and creative industries.

Ellen Petry Leanse-Leadership Coach at Stanford University- commented Fifteen Seconds: “a stellar community of big-thinking innovators who will inspire and wow you. This festival is on my A-list.”

Among the 100 international speakers expected for the 2018 edition, in June,we can mention:

Ben Hammersley, Futurist & Writer – Wired; Kodi Foster, SVP Data Strategy – Viacom; Melissa Rosenthal, Executive Vice President – Cheddar; Jia Jiang, Entrepreneur & Author – Rezeption Therapy.

Graz invites UNESCO Creative Cities to join the festival to provide and receive new and thought-provoking insights for positive change.



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