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Snapshots from Creative Cities of Literature

Snapshots from Creative Cities of Literature

Fri, 10/21/2016

An exhibition of words and images from eighteen Creative Cities of Literature has been put up at the Reykjavík City Hall. The exhibition, which will be launched on 1 October and runs through 21 October, is part of the programme of the annual Reykjavík Reads Festival.

Every October, reading and writing is celebrated in the capital of Iceland, during the month long Reykjavík Reads Festival. The festival is organized by the Reykjavík UNESCO City of Literature. This year’s theme is words and visuals under the title “More than a 1000 words”. The five-year anniversary of Reykjavík as a UNESCO City of Literature is also celebrated during the festival. 

The exhibition invites guests of the City Hall on a trip between eighteen Cities of Literature, giving them a glimpse of their creative assets. Poems and short prose texts are displayed from the cities, old and new, from poets and writers as diverse as the cities they come from.

The participating Creative Cities are Baghdad (Iraq), Barcelona (Spain), Dublin (Ireland), Dunedin (New Zealand), Edinburgh (Scotland), Granada (Spain), Heidelberg (Germany), Iowa City (USA), Kraków (Poland), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lviv (Ukraine), Melbourne (Australia), Norwich (England), Nottingham (England), Prague (Czech Republic), Reykjavík (Iceland), Tartu (Estonia) and Ulyanovsk (Russia).

Read more about the exhibition, the authors and the cities: http://bokmenntaborgin.is/en/reading-initiatives/snapshots-unesco-cities-literature/



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