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Bradford, UNESCO Creative City of Film organizes ‘Screen Talk’

Bradford, UNESCO Creative City of Film organizes ‘Screen Talk’

Fri, 04/17/2020

Bradford, a UNESCO Creative City of Film since 2009, launched Screen Talk, a series of discussions with a range of experts from film and TV talking industry. In 2019, as a part of the city’s 10th year of designation as a UNESCO Creative City, it conducted a series of talks that were filmed by students from the University of Bradford. The series covers a wide range of discussion and roles from people working in the film and TV industries and aims to inspire anyone who wants to work as part of the creative industry in the future. These footages are now available at the City website.

A new edition of the Screen Talk was launched on 17 April. To get more insider knowledge on the screen sector, join Bradford UNESCO City of Film in conversation with a range of experts from film and TV industry. Stay tuned each Friday for a brand new episode.

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