Monuments: How to remember what is not there? How not to forget what is there? How to memorialise something you wish not to have been? And, in the face of over-saturation, what monuments do we really need?
The 11th Kaunas Biennial will seek to oppose monopolistically populist practice of removing-erecting and Conservative traditionalism, prevalent in the memory discourse of public art in Lithuania, and to stimulate and legitimize radically new, contemporary, conceptual, relevant ideas and strategies for monument-making, inviting international and local artists to: look back at the removed, rethink the existing and imagine the future. The Biennal starts on 15 September with a public art programme expected to be watched by 5000 participants, featuring artists including Tatzu Nishi, Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz, Phillip Miller, Allard van Hoorn, Jenny Kagan.
The opening program will include a two-day conference on 16-17 September 2017 with invited speakers such as prof. Aleida Assmann, prof. James E. Young, Jochen Gerz, Skaidra Trilupaityte, Laima Kreivyte, Rasa Antanaviciute and others. The 11th Kaunas Biennial will welcome the participation of other UNESCO Creatives Cities.