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The Creative Cities of Film of Terrassa and Bradford organized a first inter-city exchange

The Creative Cities of Film of Terrassa and Bradford organized a first inter-city exchange

Mon, 03/19/2018

The strategic plan for Terrassa City of Film for 2018 aims at strengthening the relationships with other Creative Cities, in order to learn from their experience. This is why, last March, the representatives of the Local Audio-visual Board of Terrassa visited the city of Bradford under the guidance of the Bradford City of Film’s team, led by Steve Abbot and David Wilson. The meeting represented a unique opportunity to discover a wide range of good practices and successful achievements based on social awareness and creative visions for the development of the film industry.

The two Creative Cities share similar goals: they both aims at fostering urban sustainability through the creative field of Film; retaining young talent as well as boosting the city’s international brand in a context of competitiveness and opportunities. Consequently, learning from the way in which Bradford succeeds on several of these aspects in the past years was a source an inspiration for Terrassa and a perfect welcome for this new city into the Network.

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