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Turin's Street Artists Imagine 2030

Turin's Street Artists Imagine 2030

Mon, 10/01/2018

Turin, UNESCO Creative City of Design, together with Lavazza, are promoting a street art initiative untitled TOward 2030: What are you doing?. By the end of 2019, the entire city, from the center to the outskirts, will be turned into an open-air exhibit of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

Street artists are engaged in raising awareness about these goals to passersby with a simple and direct question: What are you doing?. This to remind everyone that 2030 is just around the corner, but that the road is still all uphill.

TOward 2030 offers a link between art and sustainability that colors the walls of Turin with positive messages of responsible commitment and brings a contemporary pop perspective to the 17 SDGs, in the form of 17 works of urban art.  

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