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28 Sep – 1 Oct.: Call for Projects/Products for 2016 Bologna Design Week

28 Sep – 1 Oct.: Call for Projects/Products for 2016 Bologna Design Week

Wed, 09/28/2016 to Sat, 10/01/2016

Bologna, Creative City of Music, in cooperation with IncrediBOL!  – Bologna's Creative Innovation –, offers artists in all fields from the Creative Cities an opportunity to exhibit their projects and/or products during the 2016 Bologna Design Week.

This year, Bologna Design Week will be celebrated under the theme “PLAY DESIGN: music and design meet at Bologna Design Week”. To be held from September 28 to October 1, 2016, this event dedicated to design will be organized in thematic routes throughout the city.

Bologna invites designers and artists from the Network to present one or more projects and/or products displaying the connection between design and music according to different fields of application: design of musical instruments, design of spaces dedicated to musical practice, design of objects related to the enjoyment of music, and sound design.

The participating cities will be able to exhibit projects and/or products in a historic venue right in the center of Bologna properly set for the event, to intervene at workshops, as well as to exchange and network during the 2016 Bologna Design Week.

The deadline for submitting projects is July 15, 2016. The evaluation will take into account the quality of the projects submitted in terms of creativity, professionalism and innovativeness.

To know more: http://cittadellamusica.comune.bologna.it/en/play-design-music-and-design-meet-at-bologna-design-week/

Contact: cityofmusic@comune.bologna.it

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