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Gabrovo Launches an International Graphic Design Contest

Gabrovo Launches an International Graphic Design Contest

Mon, 12/17/2018

Gabrovo is a city with a rich cultural history, a guardian of traditional crafts and folk art in Bulgaria, with singular humour tradition; that have successfully contributed to the city’s development through culture. The local community is particularly engaged to protect and promote crafts and folk art and recognizes its transversal potential for development, covering notably the fields of economy and education.

Gabrovo launches a call to designers worldwide to craft a graphic symbol to represent the city as a favorable place for creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation. It must be recognizable, impactful, original and flexible in its use. The new sign will be used in future communication campaigns and presentations of the city, including as part of the regulated use of UNESCO to identify Gabrovo as a UNESCO Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art.

For further information, contact creativecity@gabrovo.bg

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