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Gabrovo is a city with a rich cultural history, a guardian of traditional crafts and folk art in Bulgaria, with singular humour tradition; that have successfully contributed to the city’s development through culture. The local community is particularly engaged to protect and promote crafts and folk art and recognizes its transversal potential for development, covering notably the fields of economy and education. Gabrovo launches a call to designers worldwide to craft a graphic symbol to represent the city as a favorable place for creativity,...
The Bulgarian Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art will organize the 17th edition of its International Fair of Traditional Crafts, to be held from 6 to 8 September 2019 at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum (Etar). Known as one of the biggest annual crafts events in Bulgaria, Gabrovo’s International Fair of Traditional Crafts invite craftsmen from the country and worldwide to showcase their know-how. The Fair highlights safeguarding of traditional techniques and the contemporary state of folk art. During the Fair, a master-craftsmen competition...
In Gabrovo, the citizens are not only fighting to keep their heritage alive within the local community, but nationwide. The “Take me in your village” initiative was kick-started in 2013 by a local university student hoping to maintain the traditions of life in Gabrovo by giving the elderly-rural generation and young-urban generation an opportunity to experience life through one another’s eyes. With only a dozen participants at the beginning, this self-development programme is now an annual event serving an astounding amount of applicants. For...
Crafts and Folk Art in the City of Gabrovo, Bulgaria, has always been a key enabler for its cultural development. As an historical heritage of the city, this creative field boosts lifestyle and social innovation. In September 2018, the Creative City of Gabrovo will organize its XVI International Fair of Traditional Crafts. This annual gathering, held at the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Etar, is the biggest fair dedicated to crafts and folk art in Bulgaria. It aims to inform and raise awareness on the protection of traditional crafts as well...