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Studying the exchange of gases and aerosols between the Earth’s surface and the atmosphere
Helping to maintain ecosystems and the delivery of ecosystem services
Photo - Shutterstock
We possess unique, long-term and large-scale datasets that describe the state of the environment


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Advanced modelling solutions for flooding at local, catchment, national scales
A range of hydrological and land cover datasets available under licence for commercial, non-commercial and academic use
Most software and models are available to be downloaded.


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Mark Sutton presenting at Parliament
15th Dec 2015
CEH's Professor Mark Sutton acts as expert witness to Parliament
Ganges river, India
15th Dec 2015
Outputs of December 2015 Science Workshop
Unearthing ecosystem services: what can we learn from soil DNA?
14th Dec 2015
CEH's Rob Griffiths updates us on his work